Fundamental Analysis

Examine economic and financial factors to estimate a security's value.

How to Pick Stocks: Fundamentals vs. Technicals

Find out how you can use these two stock-picking strategies together.

Calculate the Sharpe Ratio to Gauge Risk

Learn how to calculate the Sharpe ratio to gauge risk, compare investments, and make informed decisions based on risk-adjusted returns in your portfolio.

How to Research Stocks

This video points out four important areas of fundamental analysis that investors should consider when performing due diligence on a stock.

How to Tell a Good Stock from a Bad Stock

Learn to better tell a good stock from a bad stock by looking at fundamentals, trends, and stock charts so you can build a healthy stock portfolio.

Earnings Season: What to Look For

Find out what traders should watch for during earnings season.

Should You Trust Popular Trading Proverbs?

When navigating the world of stock trading, what kernels of truth can you take from some of the most ubiquitous trading proverbs?

What Is Dividend Yield?

Want to know how much cash flow you're getting for every dollar you've invested in a company? For companies that pay dividends, the Dividend Yield can give you an idea how a company's dividend payments relate to its stock price.

Trading Growth & Value Stocks

In this webcast, learn about the differences between growth, value, and income investment styles.  Learn about the different fundamental criteria for each style, how to create and save a search on, and how to find stocks that meet those criteria. Finally, discover the goals typically associated with each investment style.

Trade Life Cycles: Entry and Exit Strategies

Learn about trade entry and exit strategies and how understanding the trade life-cycle process can help traders pursue their trading goals.

Fundamental Analysis Basics

Learn how the Company Profile tool on the thinkorswim® platform can help drill down fundamental analysis.