Getting Started with Options (Week 5 of 12)
Buy Writes: A Possible Income Generating Strategy
Getting Started with Options | Buy Write Covered Calls (Week 5 of 12)
well good morning everyone welcome to
getting started with options my name is
Barbara Armstrong I am a coach with
Schwab delighted that you have all taken
time out of your busy days to join me
and today we're talking about a strategy
that when I first heard about it I
thought it was crazy I you know I why
would anybody in the right mind trade
this strategy and I now I've got to
admit it's one of my favorite strategies
to talk about it's called a buy right
covered call and this is a strategy
where we're buying a shares of stock
and then we're selling a covered call
above it and and why you know my first
thought was why would we want to do that
you know if I'm buying a stock I'm
bullish why would I want to cap how much
I can make by selling a covered call and
it was Cameron May who first said to me
because you could make a return if you
did this with the intention of being
called out of maybe
perhaps to five or % or maybe even
more in a to -day time frame of
course you could lose money as well but
you know and I thought okay well you now
have my officially have my attention and
so you we can use pyite covered calls
for an you know a number of different
reasons of which the kind of scenario
I've just described can be one um and
that's what we're going to you know
focus on today so to all of you who have
are joining us live today I want to
welcome you and thank you for joining us
hello to Ken and CLC tician and Jeff and
Wade and um Erica and NES and Rhonda and
Scott and Doug and the rest of the gang
thank you all for being here we also
have Mike Fairbourn with us in the chat
he actually teaches a class on Mondays
dedicated to covered calls by rights and
short puts so if you find the strategy
interesting you're going to want to
check out um Mike's class on Mondays um
because you know he it teaches that on a
weekly basis where we covered this
strategy once in a -week series um if
you're watching this in the archives and
you have questions you can type those in
down below I do look at those on a daily
basis and of course if you're with us
live today between Mike and I um if you
type something into the chat we should
be able to answer your questions um I if
you are brand new and joining us for the
very first time feel free to type a
greeting into the chat we link arms
together every Tuesday at High Noon and
we are figuring this stuff out together
so we are delighted that you have joined
us okay so know that um both Mike and I
are on X formerly known as Twitter and
we're you know giving you an invitation
to follow us there we're posting
information that you hope we hope you
will find helpful and informative on a
daily basis Mike's handle is at Mike
Fairbourn Cs and mine is at Barb
Armstrong CS so feel free to
um uh follow us there um know that
options involve risk and are not
suitable for all investors also know
that short options when we're selling a
call that is a short option they can be
assigned at any time up until expiration
regardless of how far they are in the
money and if that sounds confusing to
you um don't worry about it I'll just
we'll go over this in detail during the
class today now one of the differences
we're going to use the paper money
platform on thinker swim it's a
brilliant place I think to learn and
hone your skills but um in paper money
there are a few differences one is that
short options will never be assigned
early in paper money and that can happen
in a live account um when we put a stop
loss order in on a position it is not a
guarantee that we'll necessarily get out
at um the price we have requested uh you
know if the stock were to gap down we
could end up out at a lower price and
it's important that we understand that
know that past performance of a security
or strategy or a stock um doesn't
guarantee future results or
success I've designed this to be taught
in a -week rot rotation and when I'm
as many of you know a product of this
education I first discovered this back
and I went through through the
course and um and you know I really love
this opportunity to go through
strategies one at a time and the idea is
at the end of weeks not that you'll
be an expert in any of them but that
you'll have had enough of an
introduction to each strategy that
you'll know which one might be most
interesting for you to develop more
competency in and and here's where we
are today um and don't think like ooh
I'm here for the first time and and
congratulations to um Ros Alba and and
several of you who are here for the
first time um you know I am not assuming
that you've done any of the previous
classes but I will put a link into the
show notes to this entire Series so if
you want to do some binge learning you
can go back and start at the top with
the intro to options and then you know
truck on through if you have a smaller
account you might find these credits
spread strategies really interesting and
debit spread strategies IND uh pretty
interesting you know if you have say a
$, account starting out this
strategy would you know be possible for
very few stocks for you um and so you
might want to start out if you're
building your giant Heap with things
that require less capital and if you
know you already have you know a larger
account and maybe some money sitting in
cash that you wouldn't mind putting to
work you know you might say like hey
this is the strategy I want to focus on
it depends on what your goals are and
and how much money is in your account
how much time you want to spend looking
at the markets all of these things and I
talk about that in this very last thing
in the series The things I wish I had
known when I got started you know and
one is having a goal and then being
honest about how much time okay all
right so let me just wipe my slate clean
go and get down to our topic for today
which is these byright covered calls so
what we're going to do today is we're
going to have a look at you know what
the strategy is so that if you're brand
new to all of this you're not kind of
looking at it and going like okay I
don't even know where to start so we're
going to Define what it is we're going
to walk through you know some potential
entry signals
um and then we're going to look at
expiration dates and what kind of price
we might want to sell our covered call
at which is our strike price we're going
to discuss some trade management and
when we might want to close this
strategy down and then we're going to
place a couple of example trades so
that's what's on the menu for
today okay so what is a Buri covered
call well it is a strategy where we are
looking to at the same time so in one
Fell Swoop we are going to buy stock and
sell a call option on that stock and
what does it mean when I sell a call
like what am I getting myself into when
I sell a call well when I sell a call I
am obligating myself to sell these
shares and typically it's a
um at the strike price at any time up
until expir up until expiration so if we
have a stock that's been
uptrending and and it and it comes back
and it looks like it's going to continue
up trending we might say you know what
right now it's sitting at
$ and I going to come up
here and sell a call
at or at
so and and and what I am saying when
you know when a Trader places this trade
they are saying I am willing to sell you
a shares of this stock at $ a
share okay and and you might get paid $
for that
call so if you get paid $ and it goes
up and you might think well I think it's
going to go up but it's not likely to go
above because it'll probably get up
there and then pull back a little bit
but if it does go through your strike
and you end up being called out um how
much can you make if it goes up to
$ you're going to still you're you're
obligating yourself to sell at so
you're putting a cap on your potential
gain but if you buy the stock at and
sell it at you'd make $ there and
then you'd make $ here so you could
make maybe $ and this is just a madeup
example you know and and on an
investment of $ to begin with if you
could make $ that's over
% now this number is likely to be you
know it could be in the and a half%
range or the
% range maybe up to % if it's a stock
that has
um more volatility and and so the
options um tend premiums tend to be
higher um and so this is but this is the
concept and so some people might do this
strategy as a shortterm income
generating strategy with the goal of
being what I call run over or with the
goal of being called out or with the
goal of selling a call where you do not
you know where you think the stock will
go through and and it's a shortterm
strategy I say this is a dating strategy
you're not looking to get married this
is I'm going to go on a few dates we'll
see how it works out and then we may
wave goodbye and never see each other
again and if it works out nicely you
know maybe we we'd consider doing this
again okay yeah and Chuck is saying you
know like hey if I can make % or if I
could make % in in a couple of months
I'd be a happy
camper and so but when you look at your
numbers you want to be sure that you're
okay with that number and with being
called out now what if it comes back
this way it goes up and maybe it goes
through your strike and comes back and
and come close to expiration it's no
longer above let's say it's at
well in that case it is likely that
you would not be exercised it's possible
but then you'd still have the stock at
and you get to keep your $ so you
could then choose to just exit the
position or you could say well I've now
made $ by selling this call and it
expired worthless or maybe you bought it
back for cents or cents so you've
made some money there now the stock is
trading a little higher and could you
then go out and sell another call at
maybe you know
you know or you could sell the
again and so we're going to go out and
we're going to look at some examples and
now what if let's go through all the
scenarios what if this thing doesn't go
according to plan and it really starts
tanking some bad news comes out well in
the event of that you might say you know
what just in in case that happens I'm
going to put a stop here so let's say
you put a stop loss and you get out at
your stop let's say your stop is around
well you'd end up down on that
position you know if you bought in at at
or sorry I'm not drawing my
numbers right here so if we bought at
if we put our stop below here let's say
our stop is at
um you know as long as it you know
doesn't go we got paid $ for this call
so this would be our break
even around
um somebody's asking if it if it has
to be shares typically yes a
standard option contract is shares
and I'll show you that on the option
chain and we're also going to to do an
example where we put a stop in and
calculate how much we could potentially
lose keeping in mind that you know if it
gap down we could end up losing more
than that but before we go out to the
charts you know what are some things we
want to think about well one that early
assignment can happen at any time now
have I seen that happen
yes and um you know was it an unhappy
situation actually it worked out well
and why is that because we were we had
placed the trade with the goal of being
called out and by being called out early
we just got our Max gain
faster and so you know being assigned
early isn't always a bad thing if that
was your goal to to to have it go
through the strike and and end up
selling your stock position so that can
happen also you want to be aware of
upcoming events so some people as part
of their trading plan for this strategy
might say I'm not going to trade this
over earnings because if you've been
watching the earning season sometimes
things can Gap up and sometimes they can
gap down now if they Gap up or not so as
concerned if we're looking at this as a
shorter term dating strategy but if it
gaps down we could end up losing more
than we were
intending and so some might choose to
avoid doing this strategy over earnings
because of that um now when I I
mentioned if the volatility is
higher um if the volatility is higher um
premiums tend to be
higher so you know it it becomes a more
strategy and we want to stay alert to
risks um you know and some people may
consider this a risk some may not but
you know as a short-term trading
strategy this you know can have tax um
implications and and and I don't talk
about taxes in this class but you may
want to um talk to your accountant about
that okay so those are some
considerations so and again what's the
risk well the risk is we might have to
sell the stock now we've already talked
about that also we're putting a cap on
how much we can make and so if the stock
gapped up um you know we have a cap on
on how much we can make but if before we
get in we say we're okay with that %
return or % or whatever that may be
then there's no crying in your beer
because you know you only made % in for
or days right um and you know it
the price of the stock can fall it can
gap down and you know we we're getting a
little bit of relief from the the call
that we sold but if we don't have an
exit in place in particular and if it
were to gap down you know we we could
take um a hit there okay and we've
already talked about the fact that the
short options they can be assigned at
any time so there's the downside so
what's the upside is that it can be an
income generating
strategy um and you know it it maybe
there's some other strategies that can
be more lucrative um you know but we're
going to calculate what that potential
income mate might be before we place the
trade and you know for some a benefit is
that if we don't get called out it can
reduce the break even of the stock
purchase so you know if if we were
looking at selling that call and we
got paid $ for it and the stock was
trading at three then our you know
it's saying you know our break even we
could look at it a I'm not saying
that's how your accountant would look at
it but that's how some Traders might
look at it um and and if you plan on
getting assigned you know it's kind of
like setting a
Target um only you're looking to get
some additional premium to sell it at
that Target but there isn't a guarantee
even if it goes through the Target that
you will be called
out okay
so there's some more things to think
about and I know that for some of you if
you're new to options are new to this
strategy it may seem a little abstract
but we're going to get there and then
this is for those of you who are visual
this just shows you what our break even
is and you know and then our Max gain so
if we're called out our gain is you know
and we're going to look at at live
examples of these it's the difference
between our strike and the price we paid
to get into the trade plus the credit
received and in our Max loss the way the
system calculates that is the break even
if the stock was to go to zero so we are
stock yeah and and it could go to zero
is it likely to go to zero in to
days no but it you know is it is it
technically possible it is and even if
you put a stop in the system is going to
calculate The Break Even This Way okay
um okay so that's
that so if we look at and remember I
talked about a trading plan and and we
talk about example trading plans and and
those need to have four basic components
and I'm not saying there can't be other
things but it's what to buy when to buy
how much to buy or position sizing and
then when to exit and when to exit
includes whether the trade goes for you
or against
you okay so you know what are we looking
for well to start out so this is kind of
our our what to buy list and that would
be we're looking for stocks that are
either going sideways or with this idea
of being called out
uptrending so we're looking for a stock
uptrending or it could be going in a
sideways range
and you know this is you know the when
this is part of the when to buy here is
you know we're looking and it depends on
if you're doing this with the intention
of being called out so you know if it's
approaching resistance and you're
looking and let me draw this is another
way of looking at it so if you had
something going sideways like this
when it comes up here we could sell a
here and we talked about this last
week and and this is this idea of when
it's approaching resistance and bouncing
off and we have a close below the low of
the high day and then if it comes back
down here we could then buy it back and
then sell another one when it comes up
here and we might even buy the stock
when it's up here
um you know or if you buy the stock here
you could kind of leg into that strategy
but the other idea and this is a
different set if you have a flag you're
we're we're looking for a close above
the high of the low
day and we're looking for something that
is bouncing off support just let me
change my drawing tool
here so it's we want something sorry
bouncing off support so this is more
bullish this is uptrending we're looking
for something bouncing off support we're
looking for you know that close above
the high of the of the low day and we're
looking for stocks that have higher
volume and why is that because you know
we're not buying well we are buying the
stock we're buying shares of stock
and then we want the options to have
high trading volume and so some might
say it's part of their trading plan you
they want it to be a million shares a
day or more on average and and some
might make that number
higher okay um and we want the options
to have a higher trading volume and and
that open interest on our option chain
is how many contracts were on the books
when the market opened today volume is
how many contracts have traded today and
so you know we might some people don't
even have this as part of their trading
plan and and that's I mean it's your
trading plan you can make it whatever
you want or some say I want it to be if
I'm doing one contract I want there to
be at least contracts on the books
and and others why might they not have
this they might say well I just look at
this and if this is acceptable then
chances are I've got the trading volume
I need and why do we care about trading
volume because we want there to be a
market if and when we decide to exit the
trade so it gives us liquidity and this
tight bid ask the market maker makes a
little bit for every buyer he matches up
with a seller and we don't want to pay
him any more than we have to and so we
want this number to you know as an
example be less than % some might say
% I'd like it to be less than five
like again just an idea on what a rule
might look like okay so let's go out and
oops I thought I had blows my drawing
tool down let's go out to the
platform and you know this is an idea of
a bullish strategy now we're going to
change our account and we have a an
account that has about , in it and
so you know if we look at caterpillar
this is a more expensive stock so some
might say well I wouldn't want to trade
this particular stock because it's too
expensive I have a smaller
portfolio um and so this is where you
know some investors so someone is saying
here how is this better than doing a
long call vertical it's not better it's
just a different
strategy and and you know if you had a
smaller account that's where some might
say well I can't afford to do a buy
right because I don't have that much
money in my account so maybe I could use
the long call vertical strategy and that
might kind of inform your decision but
today we're talking about this strategy
and looking at an account where we could
buy uh you know a shares and so but
would there be enough premium for it to
be worth our while and so if we look at
this if we come out to the trade Tab and
we say okay we had a recent High here of
and I was looking at this ahead of
time so if we came out to the April
monthlies you know does this trade a
million shares a day well we're already
at , and we have four hours left
to go in our trading day you know if I
look at yesterday how many shares did we
trade a million five the day before a
million so on average it certainly
trades more than a million shares a day
so check um is this stock up trending
check do we have um you know a bounce
here you know this is kind of a bull
flag pattern yes we
so you know and and we may not quite
have a close above the high of the low
day yet but it's um heading in that
direction now some might wait for that
and others might say I'm okay with this
pattern now it's at
: um right now that's what it's
trading at so what if we came out and
said you know it if we think this is up
trending we could either sell the
which gives us about you know this
Delta tells us that we have if this
stock goes up a dollar the value of this
option will go up by
a lot of people will use this as an
indication of the probability of this
stock being above come
expiration and and so they use it just
kind of as a as a guesstimate but we
have , contracts here we're only
going to do one so is that times it is
now the next question is would we make
enough if we sold the or we could
look at the for it to be worth our
while and are we okay with owning the
stock okay so if we look at this and we
say we rightclick and on this platform
it's buy covered
stock so if I looked at this and you
know it's at
how much could we make well the
most we could make is the difference
between what we're paying to get in and
the strike at which we would have to
sell it so if we look at this and we say
okay that's
is the most we could make if we were
called out and then we're going to
subtract this
so the most we could make is
$. on a
investment so that would be
.% and so some might say you know what
.% in days I I'd be happy about
that you know I'm I'm okay with that now
others might say well I see this as
uptrending and you know just a couple of
days ago it was at
why wouldn't we consider selling
the strike and we could do that
too and so if we looked at that we could
say okay how about we change this
strike to now the likelihood of
being called out is going to go down by
how much you know it's going to go down
to about
% and we're going to receive less of a
credit you know if we sell this but the
amount we could make is now you know
$ on a
investment oops divided by
so that's .% but the likelihood of
our achieving that is going to be
less and if it doesn't go through this
strike then we're going to get to keep
this to um but it's going to be
certainly less than the to
, okay so but let's let's just go
with this example and then we can see
how it works out um now if we put a stop
in place where might we put a stop loss
order and how would we put that in in
well if we kind of come in what I like
to call a little more up close if we
look at this recent low which was
yesterday and say yesterday's low was
if it goes % below that that's
probably not heading in the right
direction because this was an old
resistance it seems to be acting as a
new support if it breaks that perhaps we
exit our position so we're going to look
at that
and multiply that by
and that's where we're going to put
our stop in at
so if we put in an exit at
how much can we make on this well
the most we can
make if it goes through and we are
called out and we might not wait that
long like if if this start were to
really take off and we had to % of
our Max gain we might say you know what
we're happy with that and we're going to
exit so here's our Max gain is $ a
share that's our potential Max gain and
I'm rounding a bit it's a little over
at the
moment and how much could we lose if we
put our stop at
and we're getting in at
we could lose about $ a share or
$, now in this half million doll
account um we originally said it I think
we don't want to lose more than half of
% so that would be so is a th
less than that it is so we would be okay
with taking that much risk okay so how
do we put that stop in because we don't
just want to sell the stock we also need
to buy back this call so we're going to
come down here to single order make it a
first trigger sequence and then we're
going to come to these green lines and
anywhere on this green line we're going
to rightclick and create an opposite
order and then we don't know exactly
what that um call will be worth so we
are going to make it a market order
that's good till cancelled and we're
going to click this little sprocket
which brings up a conditional order and
we're going to say hey if caterpillar
goes at or
we want to exit this
position and then when we come down here
it says y if this stock goes at or below
we want to sell when we come to
confirm and
send it will
say how much could we make the most we
can make on this tra is
$, and how much could we lose well
if caterpillar were to go to zero we
have paid
$ a share so we would be out
$, you'll notice that it doesn't
take our request to exit the position at
into account in calculating this Max
loss and again you know you always want
to read th this print highlighted in red
with a stop order there isn't any
guarantee that we'll get out at at the
price we've we have requested so we're
going to put this in
our byright covered call group and you
know we can follow up on that um in
upcoming classes now if you wanted to do
another example we could look at one
that's a little less
expensive so that exit would both sell
our stock and buy back our option at the
market price it would trigger a market
order jod you're % correct let me
just look at the
questions yeah
um I answered that
one what if the stock continues to run
up and the call expires
out of the money you would lose your
premium if the stock runs up goes up it
would go through your strikes so the
call would be in the money and you have
sold this um if it's in the money at
expiration the probability is very very
high that you would be called out and
have to sell the stock if it is like
let's say on this one at new tanx let's
say we
sold the
if it's below at expiration
chances are the call would expire
worthless which isn't a bad thing from
your perspective because you get to then
keep that entire premium and you still
own the stock so let's say at expiration
let's say we've sold our covered call
here at
so if we've sold our covered call at at
price and it expires let's say it's come
up let me just get my drawing
tool so
whoops so it's come
up and then it's maybe gone through and
come expiration it expires here well
let's say it's at well you've still
made some money in that the stock is
trading higher than it was here but it
it it's not above so chances are
somebody would prefer to buy it in the
open market for rather than buy it
from you for
and if you got paid two bucks for
that you'd get to keep the $ a share
plus you'd still own the stock so I hope
that makes
sense okay now yeah and you can look at
different time frames some people like
to do these with a very shortterm um
time frame others might you know go out
a little bit further and so if we look
at nanic which is a tech stock which has
been certainly outperforming the market
for the last um year if we look at this
you know we have high volatility here so
if we look at this strike and we
only have monthly options but we get
paid about $ well $ on $ is % so
that number is probably
% plus it's at so if we sold this
you know what would our Max gain be
well minus so
that would be a potential Max gain of
you know on an investment of so
that's probably or % I'm just
guessing divided by
you that's
% and you know when we look at this
it's the saying well we've only got a
you know and and we can actually come
out here and we can customize this and
we could add
probability of being in the money as a
category so you know what's the
probability of this being in the money
expiration um
% that's why I said if we use Delta
it's just kind of a guesstimate so we
have a % chance of being called out we
have a % chance of keeping the stock
and the
premium you know so so it it's you know
if we sold this our our probability
of being called out is higher and then
if we add one more column the one we
could add would be probability of it
touching so what's the likelihood of it
coming up to that strike even if it
doesn't end up in the money at
expiration we've got a % chance of it
coming up to between now and April
th so we we could be called out and we
could be called out at any time and so
if you wanted to do another practice you
could then calculate well where might I
put my stop loss and go from
there okay so let me just see I'm if
I've got any new questions I should
address yeah and if we wanted you know
the probability to be higher we could
sell that and you know it's in kind
of The Middle of the road and maybe it's
more likely to be run
over okay and so I had calculated a stop
ahead of
at if we went % below here which gives
it a lot of room to move and some might
say well I'd want it to be % below this
number but if you wanted to see another
practice and I'll do this quickly
because um you know our time really does
fly in this class if if our stop was at
we're risking you know about
$ or
$ in order to have an opportunity to
make how much to make about you know
well if that's to make
okay okay so we're going to go single
order first trigger sequence rightclick
create an opposite order and we're going
to put this one in again a market order
because we don't know what that option
would be worth we're going to say if
this goes
get us
out and again you might want to make
that stop higher you know this is you
know these are are your um you know
example trades and it's just an idea
okay so we're buying one covered call so
one stock shares with one call on
new tanex how much are we spending
, how much could we lose
, now we have a stop at
. you know so that's you know about
$ I'm just kind of ballparking it most
we can make
again you want to read the stuff in
red at the bottom it's important
stops don't guarantee we'll get out at a
price oh you know sometimes I get
these um glitches in this paper money
account but I'll put this in after the
class okay so guys that is our two
example trades let's go back and wrap
things up
so um you know we've got lots of choices
on which strike to choose the closer the
strike is to where it's currently
trading the higher the probability of
being called out the further out we go
um the more we'll be paid but the longer
we're in the trade and some Traders will
base their position size on a Max loss
others will base their position size you
know on the size of the position and and
some accounts they take some Traders
will take both of those things into
account and and you know some will say
hey if it loses a certain percentage
we've put a stoploss in place and we say
hey if it goes down this much we'd like
to exit some might say well if that call
has lost most of its value um you might
just buy it back and close it out some
might roll the call out to another
expiration and then try it and roll it
up and we can discuss that um and I'm
sure that Mike Fairbourn discusses that
in his class um on Monday days and and
you might just want to close out the
entire position and if you hold it to
expiration and the call is in the money
it is likely that you would be assigned
and end up selling your stock it's not a
guarantee but it it's highly likely so
this is what we've covered now I just
want to take a second and just go back
and and review our disclosures so I
don't want to give you whiplash here but
we're going to go back because I had a
feeling that one of our disclosures
there we go didn't show up I skipped
right over it and and so just keep in
mind that options do carry a high level
of risk they aren't suitable for all
investors if you want to trade options
with Schwab you have to apply for option
trading Privileges and not all will
qualify um there are transaction fees
when we um trade an option it's cents
for the call that we sold and then if we
buy it back it's cents for the call
when we buy it back um you know that
covered calls on their own provide
limited downside protection it's limited
to the credit that we received um and
you know we use the paper money platform
on thinker swim and it you know we don't
get to practice being called out early
um because that won't happen in paper
money but it it can happen in a live
account and know that all investing
involves risk including the risk
principal so as we wrap I have three
asks of you so one is that you hit the
Subscribe button especially if you're
new if you want to be able to come back
and find this again this makes it easy
it also makes it very easy to go and do
some binge learning um if you want to
watch um previous episodes in the
archives you want to hit the like button
it's one a chance to let me know to let
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could be doing a favor for a random
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last but not least you'll want to follow
us in the land of X Barb Armstrong Cs
and Mike Fairbourn Cs and know that we
will never reach out to you and um you
know offer you some kind of crypto
education a Bitcoin deal or some private
education to a special few um those are
scammers um and if somebody reaches out
to you like that please send me um their
their handle and I'll I'll get them shut
down so guys that's a wrap for today
thank you for showing up thanks to Mike
Fairbourn for answering all those
questions in the chat you guys were
awesome um if you're watching this in
the archives feel free to leave a
comment down below and I will respond
have a great day everyone up next is
trading flag patterns with Mr Ben Watson
he's an awesome coach you won't want to
miss it take care everyone bye for
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Click here to be able to watch the episode live on YouTube to ask a question, post a comment, and explore more episodes in the Getting Started with Options series.
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Options carry a high level of risk and are not suitable for all investors. Certain requirements must be met to trade options through Schwab. Please read the Options Disclosure Document titled "Characteristics and Risks of Standardized Options" before considering any option transaction.
Characteristics and Risks of Standardized Options.