Getting Started with Technical Analysis | Could RSI Be Your Go To Technical Indicator?
Using RSI for Entries & Exits
Could RSI Be Your Go To Technical Indicator? | Getting Started with Technical Analysis
good afternoon everybody Welcome to our
getting started with technical analysis
webcast today I'm Connie Hill happy to
be here and share some things with you
I'm happy to see you being here as well
we're going to talk about an indicator
and the use of an indicator that might
make you feel a little bit uncomfortable
all right we like to be comfortable when
we're trading when we're analyzing
charts but this one might make you feel
a little bit uncomfortable and I'm good
I'm good with that we'll talk about it
as we get into
um I see a question in the chat that I
going to answer real quickly here Kathy
uh said are the DMI positive and
negatives the same that we talked about
last week the same as the RSI the answer
is no and we're going to talk about that
so I don't know you're into my Brave W
uh Brave my brain waves there Kathy we
must be in tune with each other let's go
through some uh disclosures then we'll
get down to business uh before I get to
that disclosure I hope you're following
me on X my handle is not written here
for you but it is Connie Hill CS okay
and you can uh follow us we'll put
educational cont content out there
things that we think that we find
interesting that we think you might find
interesting as well we will share those
with you what we talk about today is
intended for educational and
informational purposes only don't
consider at a recommendation of any
particular strategy or security we are
going to be using using technical
analysis inter session today because it
is getting started with technical
analysis uh however keep in mind Schwab
recommends that you use additional
things Beyond technical analysis for
your research past performance is not a
guarantee of future results or success
investing involves risk including the
risk of loss we will be using the paper
money downloaded fer swim software today
it's typically what we are going to be
using in most of our webcasts it's the
most robust version and I know some of
you are trying to get the hang of it and
so be patient with yourselves as you
start learning it it's powerful program
I remember kind of going through those
beginning stages with it but I love it
okay don't want you to take it away from
me now it's like you know I've got my
little sugar fixed here I don't want it
go all right today we do we are going to
talk about technical indicators and
actually the one that we're going to
focus on today is
RSI relative strength index all right
and we'll talk about a little bit about
some of the differences of some of the
technical indicators that we see and we
are going to look at a lot of examples
out on paper money all right let me just
check the chat here real
quickly oh it looks
like we've got Lee Bohl in the chat
welcome Lee I'm happy to see you here
he's going to help me answer your
something I can't get to Lee will have
back all right Trend indicators and
oscillators okay there are so many
indicators if you go to your studies on
your charts and you pull up that
alphabetic listing there are a lot there
and it can be confusing and I'll tell
you you don't need to use even half of
them or a quarter of them okay there
might be some that you just latch on to
that you feel comfortable with and maybe
those are the ones you use that's not a
problem now we have some oscillators
that are either Trend well we have some
studies I should say that are either
Trend indicators or
oscillating uh indicators also known as
momentum indicators
okay Sometimes some of these indicators
will be placed along with the price okay
that might be like for a moving average
right you see that very commonly up
there with the price and then we'll have
some that their own pain and their own
measurements okay and they might be this
one on on the slide here is the
macd H with some different settings and
it is definitely in a different area in
our chart structure having its own
ranges that are a reaction or um come
from some division of the price some
some of them most of them are based on
price some of them might be uh based a a
little bit on volume as
well all right so the RSI the one I
wanted to focus on here
today is a is a fairly popular
indicator uh it's something that you'll
probably run across if you do some um
reading in some of the technical books
you'll see that it's one that
technicians tend to favor we're going to
talk about maybe why they might favor it
or find it useful to use uh Wells Wilder
he was the one that came up with this
indicator and he's come up with several
really good indicators he also did our
DMI from last week but he was trying to
solve for two problems with this
indicator uh one
was the fact that there could be some
extreme movements in the RSI when a
number dropped off so for say for
example say we have a period that we
use with it and let's say
an old day days back there was a
really big move when that th day drops
off and the new day comes on they would
see a big swing and he was trying to
help smooth out that swing and then he
also wanted to have a fixed range he
wanted it to go between zero and and
in that fixed range and so the RSI as he
developed it meets those qualifications
uh we're going to be using a Line and
a line and so you can see maybe here
just a little bit you can see a and a
here and basically those are the
extreme points above
so and up up to would be
considered an overbought area and
below is considered an oversold area you
might be used to some oscillators that
are and uh this one starts out at
and although it can change but we're
not we're not even going to talk about
that today all right so let's do this
let's go ahead and I want to jump out to
our thinker swim and I want to backtrack
a little bit first I want to talk about
our two trades that we did last week
with DMI and Kathy had posed the
question at the very beginning of our
class wondering are they the same as
these lines on the RSI and they're
totally different okay uh let's jump out
there right
so we'll come
here and some of you I know really like
to dive into things all right and you're
interested in the details and there are
other others of you that are just kind
of like uh just kind of show me the
basics I don't need to know the formula
for it okay one thing I wanted to do is
look at our two trades from last week
with the DMI and I do have the DMI on my
chart I got rid of volume because I
didn't want to focus on it so
much and uh let's just kind of revisit
what the DMI is the directional movement
index we have a green line and we have a
red line and if the green line is is
moving and is above the red line we that
would say that we're uh having bullish
that the bullish trend is stronger if
the red Line's on top top then the
bearish trend is stronger so if we're
just looking at the SPX here today the
red is above the green right now so that
would give us an idea that okay the
bearish trend is the dominant Trend and
then this black line is our adx line it
gives us an idea of the strength of the
trend so bearish trend is the dominant
one because Red's on top then the number
corresponding to the adx looks like
right now it's and some change and
really we want to see it above to
indicate that that is a strong Trend
right now would' say it's kind of a weak
Trend maybe it's starting to go a little
bit sideways not making progression up
or down and that's kind of how we might
interpret it now last
week one of the trades we got
into was
VST all right I had some questions come
in some of you may have been the ones
that posed the questions to me out in
the comment section out on YouTube it
could have been some of you that uh
wrote to me I've written back to you but
I also think your question was really
valid that it would be worth just kind
of revisiting here a little bit so as we
look at VST when we got in last week it
was what
May th or May th
I've switched my calendar over to June
so I'm not positive on that so here's
th and so we got in one of these days
all right because here's today here's
Monday here's Friday Thursday Wednesday
Tuesday so actually the day that it hit
this High here was the day that we got
in and there had been kind of a move off
the DMI going up now as long as the
green stays above the red we would stay
in the trade all right what's happening
today though yeah look at this I'm going
to zoom in here really tight and I want
you to see well just in those few
days they actually today it's the green
has crossed down below the red
indicating the Red's on top it is the
more dominant Trend and our adx line is
up here at indicating it could be
fairly strong right because it's above
we'll see what Direct Direction this
adx line goes looks like maybe it's
headed down meaning lower reading maybe
the strength isn't as strong if it
continues to go down down down however
it would still be the dominant Trend now
we stay in the trade until we get that
crossover trading day isn't over yet but
it's going to be soon all right so we're
going to make a decision on this and the
decision is going to be we are going to
exit the trade because we're following
discipline plan we're following the rule
that when we have the crossover that's
when we get out we don't think about it
for a day or two we don't say well I'm
seeing this and that and the other on
the chart it's uh it's just we see that
cross we're going to take action now
some people might want to wait truly
till the end of the day okay they might
want to say well let's really make sure
it's there when the market closes and
then take action and because we're not
going to be sitting here after the
market closes we're not going to be
together hanging out we're not going to
be able to do it so we're going to do at
least our best here with knowing that
the crossover has occurred and we're
towards the end of the trading day
although we've got a couple of hours
left okay so we're going to exit the
trade uh you can see we had estimated a
stop on this uh of where we just kind of
estimating maybe the price would be down
wherever when they crossed and we
obviously don't know that so our stop
loss was clear down here and really if
we just let it flow let it go I mean
this price could come back quite a bit
before actually hitting that stop loss
so we're going to go to the monitor
Tab and we are going to find
VST I've actually got it in here
for let me go back here for just a
okay so it's the th that we got in
shares and uh I just wanted to make sure
be that I'm in the right spot because I
have two VST trades okay that's why my
going back and double checking thing
because this VST trade is for shares
so that's a different one and so our
VST I'm not seeing the VST for our
shares now I might be being a little
bit blind but I'm not seeing it
um this one the this is actually
the one that we see on the screen
so let me go back here just kind of do a
check okay so the stop loss that we have
in there actually is for that other
trade it's not for this one at all you
can see over here we don't have an order
we do have an alert for if the price of
the of the stock changed to hit and then
I did something different H which was
somebody said could we not put on an
alert to tell us when the DMI positive
crossed below the negative okay so went
out and I was like oh yeah we could do
that we didn't show you how to do that
this week well we are going to show you
that today and that's actually what the
alert is right at this moment so let me
take a look here at the chat see what
questions I need to answer here the adx
line is for the
strength uh of the DI positive or
negative okay so you can use it without
the DMI you could just use adx alone for
strength of trend you could put that in
Chart good question so the DMI plus
crossing over the DM minus is a b signal
yeah absolutely sand deep uh R says if
the green DMI is below the adx line
doesn't mean anything let's go back to
our chart see if that's the case
um I think that is the case here that's
why I think you're asking this
here uh does it mean anything we're just
looking at the numbers okay so the
number here right now is on the ad X
anything or higher means that it's a
strong Trend whichever one is on top
whether it's the green on top or the red
on top I I wouldn't worry so much about
it if where this black line is in
relationship to the green or the red
lines okay I kind of think of it as as
is it
own indicator being shown on the same
pain okay you kind of think of it that
way okay Sand's letting us know that
date yeah was the th thank you sandep
appreciate that all
right uh let's go through the process of
a couple things one setting an alert the
one um that we traded last week was
Nvidia Nvidia we had seen a recent cross
and then we saw a flare a flare of the
green line and the red line so if I come
over here to the
th let's see okay it was that day
there so let me just kind of zoom in and
on the th it was this day here when it
actually hit that Peak on the
green that was our entry date and I
didn't mark it but we can see it hasn't
crossed over the green is still above
the red so we stay in the trade but why
don't we set an alert let us know if the
uh cross over occurs and we could also
set a stop on it so I want to show you
the functionality of both of those those
things all right that was the question
that some of some of you wrote in and
asked me about can't we just do an alert
on that can't we just do an exit on it I
didn't show you that last week but I
will right now
so let's come over to Nvidia it doesn't
have an alert on it uh I told you on VST
we were just going to close it out so
let's just go ahead and close it
out create a closing order we're not
even going to put it with a stop we're
just going to go we want it to execute
right now maybe we can get a little
closer to the midpoint price sometimes
paper money is nice to us sometimes it
isn't okay
now on
Nvidia uh what I want to do is I want to
right Mouse click and say create
alert uh let's
see I am not seeing that an opportunity
maybe let me try it from the
chart get the right chart up
here and I'm just going to do a right
Mouse click create
alert uh typically it's thinking it's
going to be on the price of the stock
but we're going to change it okay so
we're going to change it from Mark to
study and then uh because I was out here
playing with this it is showing me DI
plus crosses below D
negative and I set that on VST I didn't
show you that but in yours you you
probably don't have that so what we're
going to do is we're just going to say
edit and then
uh we want to this is looking a little
bit different than how I did it
previously let's just do an edit here
we'll stay on the condition wizard we're
going to say it it's not going to be
based on a simple moving average we're
going to change it okay so here we're
going to do and not a simple moving
average we're going to do a study and
then we're going to type in
DMI grab our
DMI and then we're going to say the
di+ what do we want we want it if it
below select the condition we're going
to go back to study this is a lot of
steps I know
DMI right so we'll bring back our
DMI and then we want it to cross below
the DI
negative okay so positive Crossing below
negative here kind of tricky we'll go
ahead we'll hit save then we can receive
a notification if that occurs right the
alert will go off you could if you
wanted you could also set that up as a
cell signal okay let's do that real
quick so let's go back to monitor let's
go back to our two whole shares that we
bought we know a big stock split is
coming up next week we're going to say
create a closing order let's go ahead
and just choose with a
stop and then over
here we are going to
do need to do this
GTC and we need to mark this we're going
to go into the
conditions we're come over here for
symbol and instead of Mark like we
usually do for the price we're going to
come down to study and because we
previously did the DMI my Crossing below
the DM the DM positive Crossing below
the DI negative it is there but we could
also say all right let's go choose it
specifically because this is what you
would have to
do add it we're going to addit it here
well let's see Di positive crosses below
I negative we actually it picked that up
from setting the alert there okay so you
could choose that or if you need if you
didn't have it get the edit and then
come out here and choose the study of
DMI and then di positive crosses below
negative okay that is a lot of steps I
recognize that this is getting started
with technical analysis which means a
beginning type of class and what I just
showed you I would say probably falls
into the intermediate range okay I know
some of you are ready for it some of you
might not be okay so you might go okay
just just knowing how to use the study
it's good for me all right so we're
going to hit
save and we're going to hit confirm and
send and it says study based orders
carry special risk that's fine and then
it's going to trigger a market order
Market order doesn't have a set
execution price nothing's guaranteed
there so just reminding us of that we'll
go ahead and hit send all right let's go
back to the chat here and
see is there a scan that shows these DMI
crossovers for all the stocks asks
art there's not a scan that I've created
nor one that I'm aware of that's you
know already pre-built for that however
it wouldn't surprise me if we could okay
I won't get into that today but if you
go out to the scan
you come out to add a filter come down
study and then my guess is DMI will be
in there somewhere
okay back to our chart all right other
question so uh Kathy says we covered the
Mii scan in last week's class we
actually did didn't we thank you Kathy I
stand corrected I did show you a little
scan go look at last week's class I'll
have a link in the comment section of
YouTube I'll put uh some information in
there okay or a link rather to that
class I'll have it here in today's class
description if that's the easiest way
for you to find it all right RSI I'm
going to add RSI here Kathy Kathy and
others that were wondering about this
how do you get it type in
RSI rather than relative strength okay
there it's the RSI is an abbreviation
for relative strength index but it's
totally different than the relative
strength study the relative strength
study typically would compare say Nvidia
to the s&p and we'd see which one is
trending more strongly okay compared to
each other and so on here type in
RSI all right go ahead and we're going
to choose it I'm going to bring it on
here for a minute we'll look at it with
DMI and then I'm going to drop the DMI
but I want you to see that how different
these are from each other okay I'm going
to hit the gear because I'm going to
make it look a little prettier all right
I want it to look a certain way so
typically the default period is
days if we're looking at a daily
chart weeks if we're looking at a
weekly chart the bigger the number you
put in there the more
smoothing might take place uh now Wells
said that he's one that created it he
knows how he wants it how it works right
he suggested using if you're going to
change that period doing it in
multiples of seven so if you wanted to
elongate that period of time use a or
a if you want to go a little smaller
you could go
or nine
okay it's what he said we're going to
leave it plain vanilla here today but
I know some of you like to know some of
those nugget so we're going to tell you
and then here we have the RSI line I
want you to be able to see it really
clearly okay so I'm going to change this
from a one to a
three on our
oversold we're going to change that to a
three and that purple color is fine and
here the overb area which is or higher
we're going to put a purple line there
as well and you can see on here what I
mentioned earlier that the overbought is
or higher oversold is or lower
sometimes you know oversold or
overbought has a negative connotation
with it if we see something then we say
oh it's crossed the it's
oversold really it means buyers are
really in control and they remain in
control till in this case the RSI drops
below okay all right now I want you
to see these together so RSI is down
here and the and the uh DMI is up here
and they are totally different
measurements you can see here uh this
DMI plus is at
the red DMI minus is at the adx is
at where is that right now is okay
and then the RSI line looks completely
different all right we're going to drop
the DMI come to our studies exit
out and here we go again I'm leaving
volume off here because I really want
you to be able to see the RSI really
well here now I've got Nvidia up
obviously we already talked about it set
up a a an alert and a close if those
were to cross but now drop all DMI from
your mind okay we're going to focus on
RSI here now RSI some people may use uh
for example going above the line when
it's been down low coming up and out
from underneath the some people may
consider that an entry signal if it
we're not where's our our is right
here this purple line or if it the RSI
drops below okay some people might
consider that for an exit signal if it
has already been above
now the other thing we look look for
there's a lot of things we're going to
look for on this RSI you're going to
dream about RSI tonight in the different
ways we could use it uh you can see here
on the RSI I drew in what I drew in here
a trend line and I connected the peaks
of the RSI through this period of time
and what we see here is yep we had that
diagonal resistance line and then what
RSI broke above it okay so when it broke
Above This resistance here some people
I'm I'm going to say that maybe want to
be a little bit more aggressive in their
approach may have considered entering at
this point okay because it was above the
and it broke above diagonal
resistance now you can also look for
different uh a couple of different
patterns on the RSI you can look for a
double bottom you can look for a triple
bottom what if you saw a double bottom
and you saw it break through a downtrend
at the RSA yeah some people might take
kind of those pieces of information and
put them together to say yeah I think
that could be a strong entry now on
Nvidia quite honestly we can look up we
can see the trend is bullish the red
line I left up there's a period
moving average it is way above there
right now okay okay and so it shouldn't
surprise us that okay down in the RSI
it's making these higher highs and
higher lows okay that's something of not
it did cross below for half of a
second couple days ago I shouldn't say
half a second it crossed below it but it
didn't go below it very far and then it
just went running back above now what we
might look for here is if the price
keeps making higher highs and higher
lows but the
RSI and uh let me get my little marker
here bring it on from
my thing
here so if we're seeing that it's making
higher highs and higher lows here in the
price we might look for the oscillator
to do what make lower lows and lower
highs and that could be that's something
we call a Divergence and it's like a
yellow flag waving
okay it's hey pay
attention what we're seeing in the RSI
does not complement or does not act the
same as what we're seeing on price and
that can mean that A change is imminent
some people really like to wait for the
price to confirm it because we could see
a Divergence for a longer period of time
and nothing happens price just does is
consistent and so some people want to
see that confirmation of price
so we've got Crossing above as a
potential entry we've got breaking
Crossing and breaking a diagonal
resistance line could be used as a
potential entry signal and then another
thing to watch for okay is what we
call what do we call this let me uh
change something here our something we
look for called a failure swing
like a failure swing what is this a
failure swing it kind of goes along with
the idea of a Divergence in the sense of
what direction are we making higher
highs and higher lows I'm going to show
you a stock here we're going to go to
it and as we look it into it we can see
it had been upward trending for a while
downward trending as it's downward
trending we're seeing lower Peaks here
on the
RSI then we I'm going to zoom in here
apparently whatever they said at
earnings was not happy to the market and
it sold off right when the RSI goes
and it fails to make a lower
low which in this case it didn't make a
lower low in fact it made a made a
higher low on the RSI we will call that
a a swing
failure basically on the bottom side
okay so if we see that would that be an
indication that maybe it could become
bullish it could be but again some might
wait for confirmation of that you know
as we look at what the price is doing
here even though we saw this failure
swing because it didn't create a lower
low below actually created a higher
uh higher Point here and here's actually
the the next low what it was yesterday
and that definitely is above okay I
think I was pointing at the wrong spot
on the Line This is really where we see
that that it bounced there and then
today of course bounced up instead of
going down below again and making a
lower point there now if you look at
this some people might go
well okay I see that failure swing that
can be a bullish indicator but I'm not
so sure that I'm on board with it I'm
not so sure I want to take this risk
when you see price that really hasn't
changed Trend we're not seeing higher
highs and higher lows here not at all if
I were to put on a -day moving average
it would still be downward trending so
at the beginning I said some of you
might not feel
comfortable maybe trading counter Trend
by solely using an oscillator that's
going against what the trend is doing
okay now if somebody sees maybe some
different pieces of information for
what if we were to see a a double bottom
down here on the RSI that maybe it came
down it's below maybe goes down about
the same amount that it did
here and we see it break up through
there then some people might say okay
that's a little bit more information
that might lead me to say maybe I will
take on a position here with the idea
that you think that it is
reversing if you think this thing is
still dropping then you would not do it
okay you would say no I want a little
bit more information that's pointing
that direction we might want to see a a
a Divergence now one another stock here
O'Reilly let's take a look at O'Reilly
here O'Reilly had been upward trending
this a fairly expensive stock here but
it been upward trending made a nice
little Peak here that was in March
but then it started to have some
weakness before the
earnings and you can see I have drawn a
trend line here there could be a couple
of trend lines somebody might want to
draw I started with this peak here but
you could start with this peak and maybe
catch the tops at a little bit different
angle all right somebody could just as
well have drawn the trend line that
second spot that I just drew it okay
connecting different peaks in this case
as we look at this and I'm going to
maybe get rid of the one I just drew uh
if we look here does it look like maybe
there could be a double bottom here on
RSI okay well maybe right we can see it
was low down here and then it gets a
similar low let me give you the value
here this is
this one is so pretty close
and then this one here is so and
to me are really really close
that we could draw in here a double
bottom formation and then if it breaks
across that as well so we see the cross
Above This diagonal resistance on the
RSI and we see it coming out from below
area okay then some might say hey if
this if this gives us some confirmation
maybe I'll enter into a smaller position
than what I might normally do okay uh in
our class we have $ that we willing
to risk on a trade and so we might say
you know what we'll do a third of that
we will risk
and put on a smaller position and
then if the stock continues to act more
bullishly then we might say okay let's
put on another third of a position okay
or you could you do it by quarters
whatever is comfortable to you to say
hey I'm just going to do a partial
position but we would want to look at it
as though possibly that it is reversing
okay that the trend is reversing even
though we don't have a lot of evidence
of that yet now here on the
price might we start to see a double
here so we see that in conjunction with
the RSI some people might go well if it
gets past this peak here let's go on put
on a
trade all right let me check the chat
here see if there's questions I need to
answer I think you guys are keeping Lee
here all right I think Leah is just
sharing some things here um one def says
can we set an alert for that breakdown
above the
downtrend I'm going to say you could
sort of but you would have to give it a
number okay because I've just drawn this
this line in here there's not
information that whatever that number is
right we don't have it stored anywhere I
can just look on my chart and see I drew
a line there but if you you said you
know got this downtrend going and if it
crosses above a certain area and we
might say okay something above where the
most recent Green Line went right you
might say okay and if if it goes
above or or something you feel
comfortable with you could set an alert
for the RSI at that value okay but not
specifically hey do something or alert
if it breaks my trend line does that
sense I hope
so uh so the DMI that we set an alert on
earlier was not a study so earlier uh we
set some alerts based on DMI for last
week's trade and for our discussion with
last week's DMI positive and negative
okay let's go ahead
here um
actually we're going to do one more
thing let's go to
KDP CG Dr Pepper my favorite drink Dr
Pepper well it's actually Dr Pepper zero
with cherry we're going to be real
technical about it all right we see the
price making some higher highs and
higher lows in fact today it made
another we high right there at
what are we seeing going on with
the RSI though
okay the RSI uh had a couple of very
short-term dips below the but they
just didn't last that long they they
didn't go very low and then it started
making some lower Peaks and so I drew in
using my trend line I drew in kind of
connecting those Peaks and creating a
trend line and what do we here see here
just recently we saw a break of that
diagonal trend line
therefore because of that we are going
to use that as an entry signal on this
stock this one looks a little bit
different than some of the others we've
been looking at the other ones have been
downward trending and we're you know
seeing it maybe just jet above here
in this case we're going to use the
break of the trend line all right now if
you feel comfortable with the trend of
the stock then you might do a full
position if you didn't feel comfortable
with the trend of the stock or you
thought I'm being a little aggressive
here uh we're just going to do a partial
position okay then maybe you do you know
have risk for the trade versus
in this case the -day moving average
is still headed up and so somebody might
feel comfortable doing it because it is
consistent with the trend does that make
sense all right let's do it uh where
would we put a stop loss
here we yeah there's a couple places
somebody might consider but let's go
here and maybe go a little bit below the
area okay that looks to be where
the horizontal support is and so let's
go down here to say
that's going to be our stop price
so let's figure out our risk here bring
up our calculator current price is$
minus our stop of
it's a buck
per share that we're rolling to risk so
let's take our
divided by $ which really is not
a lot that's saying we could buy
shares that's a lot of shares at
bucks a pop almost
uh some people might not feel
comfortable buying that many shares on a
less than $ stock now this is coming
out to , that we would spend if we
bought shares
some people if our portfolio is ,
might not want to spend more than % in
a position and in this case that would
meet that condition some people might
say I don't want it to be % I maybe
I'm really only comfortable at and a
half% or % right that they want a lot
more diversification in the in the
portfolio because this is less than
, we're going to go ahead with it
so we're going to trade uh place a trade
we're going to do a buy custom with an
stop okay and we will go ahead we'll do
shares on both of these and then our
stop price here we're going to change it
and hopefully we'll start lifting
that up as new support areas are
maintained we'll make this is a good
till cancel uh we'll just go ahead and
get filled right now as a day order
remember on the stop uh there isn't a
guarantee of execution price because
it'll trigger that market
order all right I'm just going to make
sure that looks right and it does I'll
go ahead and send it
off all right we're going to watch this
now what what might we use as an exit
signal okay because that's what we would
need to know one if it breaks through
that support but technically we'll be
watching this RSI uh right here we saw
it breakthrough resistance so our
expectation is that it's going to
continue through there and we will look
look for it above and if the stock or
the RSI comes down below we might
consider an exit at out Point okay
that's how we're going to use the RSI
it's a very uh I had a lot of details
with this one today so we'll probably
spend a little bit more time on it next
week as well with some additional things
that we can bring into the RSI okay
today we talked about a break of
diagonal resistance with it we talked
about going above the as a potential
entry and below the as a potential
exit we talked about
divergences noting that price might be
doing something different than what the
RSI is doing and that being a warning
flag some people like to see
confirmation of price when they see that
warning flag before taking action on it
okay I want you to practice using RSI
this week okay want you to
identify uh if it has some breaks of
resistance I want you to identify it
crosses down below or crosses up
below just kind of start being a
little bit aware of this because I the
RSI can be one of those studies that
helps us monitor what we've got going on
all right now I don't think we had a
survey out here today uh if we did I
would encourage you to do that if this
was helpful for you today go ahead and
hit the Thumbs Up Button that'll let
others know that you found this useful
and they might find it useful as well
Lee thank you for helping me out in the
chat appreciate that coming up next is
going to be exploring thinker swim so
those of you that are maybe know thinker
swim Basics want to learn a little bit
more join Brent mors that class he does
a great job with it all right everyone
thank so much we'll see you at the top
of the hour for exploring thinker swim
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