Traveling? Medicare Might Not Cover You

Medicare can fall short when traveling. Here's how to fill the gaps.

No Matter Your Age, Start Medicare Planning Now

For nearly everyone, part of every paycheck you earn goes straight to Medicare. It’s a big and confusing investment that needs to be managed wisely—but when and how do you start?

Potential Long-Term Benefits of Investing Your HSA

Health savings accounts (HSAs) are for more than just routine medical expenses. By investing a portion of your account, you can potentially grow your funds tax-free.

Working in Retirement: Social Security and Medicare

If you've retired but are considering returning to work, be aware that your decision may affect your Social Security and Medicare benefits.

Health Care Costs in Retirement: Are You Prepared?

Four tips for managing health care costs in retirement.

How Higher Income Can Affect Medicare Premiums

Medicare premiums can jump sharply if your retirement income rises above certain levels, but there are steps you can take to prepare and minimize the impact.

4 Steps to Smart Medicare Decisions

There's more to enrolling in Medicare than just turning 65. Make these Medicare decisions ahead of time—then celebrate.

Thinking Retirement? Consider Going "Old School"

Rapidly growing university-based retirement communities offer opportunities for seniors to stimulate their minds, but it's important to understand the upsides and downsides.

Planning for Long-Term Care

Like other aspects of retirement planning, the prospect you'll need long-term care carries financial implications but also much more. Here's what you need to know.

Multigenerational Living and Your Money

Open and honest communication can help you go into multigenerational living with your eyes wide open.