Trading the Trend | Prior High, Pull Back, Bounce...Rinse & Repeat?
Prior High, Pull Back, Bounce...Rinse & Repeat?
Prior High, Pull Back, Bounce...Rinse & Repeat? | Trading the Trend | 6-6-24
happy Thursday to you the question we
always ask every Thursday is what trends
are you riding as we talk about trading
the trends we'll talk about short-term
Trends intermediate long-term trends all
the above let's go ahead and hop right
in we also have Ben Watson with us we
welcome him and I should say the Ben
Watson okay sorry about that Ben accept
my apology and uh and uh just real quick
as we get started we have many of you
here like Bill borof welcome Austin Mark
Scott Grace Frank Kathy and many others
we welcome all of you first time here if
that's you we welcome you welcome to the
community of investors and Traders now
just remember when we talk about today
our Focus will be stocks and options
when we talk about options remember
options carry a high level risk not
suitable for all investors also
understand the information here is for
General informational purposes only with
this webcast discusses technical
analysis but there's other potential
Superior approaches uh it depends who
you ask right right we use technical
analysis and fundamental analysis okay
which one spear we don't know okay but
uh just understand that there's maybe
some different types of analysis that
might help uh in getting an idea of it
might be a suitable investment for you
also remember when we talk about the P
Money software application that is for
educational purposes only investing
involves risk so when we talk about
options we will also reference uh what
does it mean to be short what is is the
assignment risk is there any and we'll
also talk about option Greeks so first
off what I want to do is uh I want to
hop in and talk about kind of where the
markets are we have a margin account
that's a little bare right now I don't
feel good about that and we'll talk
about where the IRA is we have some past
trades that we need to discuss here
today now when I look at uh really what
I have slated to talk about I don't
really have anything to talk about okay
everything we talk about I want to kind
of just show this is a blank page I
don't have anything to talk about I want
to kind of show this application as if
this wasn't a class in other words we
just pulled up our computer right now
and we said hey uh I want to go ahead
and take a look at the market I want to
do it right on the spot sometimes when I
think when I take a class I'm wondering
how long is that Professor or that
teacher prepared this material so we're
not going to use any of this everything
we see is going to be right on uh right
on the uh screen and we don't need any
prep material at all and that way we can
kind of get really practice okay this is
like putting away your notes before the
test let's take let's just take the test
and let's also kind of talk about where
these Trends are and how we might want
to try to potentially ride those which
ones and why so first off I want to
bring up the Dow just real quick Dow's
sitting here about plus little higher
here this morning but
nevertheless still holding that like the
crossover some might like that like to
see that period moving average go
green hasn't yet would like to see that
many would if we look at the SPX you're
going to see that we did make an
intraday High holding still above the
midsection of yesterday's candle moving
averages your favorite color green and
green now I said yesterday that I'm not
gonna uh I'm not gonna change my green
shirt until this short-term Trend ends
trust me I thought about it I was like
and by the way someone said that hey you
better buy some deodorant just in case
and you're going to lose all your
friends I was like I think I've already
lost all my friends okay we're past that
and I appreciate you saying that because
that was pretty funny now if we take a
look at uh the S&P we're still a brand
new high and I want to also bring up the
three-year weekly okay this is not just
something on the daily chart this is on
the weekly chart okay as well and I'll
kind of take this off so we can kind of
the lines off so we can see this there
it is now if you zoom in on this what
you're also going to notice on this
chart is there's your crossover again
notice how we're being consistent on
what we're looking for right and then
look at the Shadows so far now last week
we talked about two to three bearish
trades seeing the S&P bounce back might
not necessarily be great we will talk
about those trades from last week okay
pretty strong though now is this a
hammer on a weekly candle or is that a
man that's true bill says you might
offend Jacks oh
absolutely okay and and and if we close
here would this be close above the high
of the low week if we can close here so
if you think this is a bullish bounce we
could call that the hammer doesn't have
to be a green candle it could be red so
we could call that a hammer if you think
it's bouncing and if we close here we
would be closing above the high the low
week so and then just kind of some
bullish technical analysis there now
what I want to do is I want to go back
just real quick to uh a couple positions
and I want to go look at the IRA first
for a moment okay now a couple things
that kind of stood out I want to kind of
show you what's in these uh
portfolios uh and if we take a look at
this we can see the balance up top we
have more positions in the ira focus is
going to be try to get some Capital to
work in the uh margin account as well so
we have we have Colgate okay which is a
synthetic okay and if you look at that
long synthetic just kind of ho humming
along there's your bullish side of the
trade don't have anything to say on that
PG a stock position okay and if you look
at PG that is a stock that for example
is getting a little decent bounce that's
the weekly chart okay you go go back to
the one-year daily and there's your
bounce now we're going to try to add to
this position here today okay now
remember I want you to remember what I'm
saying right here when you have a prior
High you have a pullback near the
area many investors are going to be
looking for the moving averages across
Etc and if we zoom in today what type of
candle do we have right here what do we
call that
well so that's your bullish engulfing
okay look at where those intraday lows
are the intraday lows especially in the
yesterday was right near the moving
average today we went below it fought
back and actually pushed back Above So
this goes back to if investors are
really buying stocks
okay after it goes down and they they
they in other words they buy below a
moving average that's pretty bullish
that's like buying below potential
support why would someone be buying
below potential support they think it
could go higher little piercing line
candle little inverted Hammer a little
not a hammer but close bullish engulfing
so we're going to add to this position
first off we're going to get the capital
work uh in that margin account so I'm
going to kind of add both here we're
going to right click on the as price buy
custom we're just going to say wh stop
okay so the first thing what I want to
do in this case is I want to kind of
look in this the margin account how much
Capital do we have so , no one
position should be probably more than %
of the capital probably on that
portfolio we're talking about $, a
position first thing that we're going to
do is we're going to come up to the pool
ball perc dollar amount okay so on the
margin account we're going to put about
$, what is that , give me a
calculator there we go we're going to
, and if we said look we're not
going to put any more than let's say %
of the capital it'd be
now why do people buy stocks well
they might really want to buy stocks
because they want to get maybe an
upcoming dividend they just want a
higher Delta as well so we're going to
put , here okay which is going to be
shares of stock we're going to go
down to the data
GTC and now what you're going to see in
this case is we just need to see where
the stop is we could put a Target I'm
not going to but if we went back to the
chart when we see a prior High pullback
we're always thinking about
Fibonacci okay and when we go back to
this got that
um got a taskbar setting that is uh
hiding the
chart there okay there you go need that
little magnifying glass so if we wanted
to set a Target let me just kind of Mark
this for us prior High down to the low
body to body and you're going to see
that if we looked at that extension if
we want to set the Target that Target
could be at the the or the
those are your markers if you said I
don't see the simple way to fix it
right click on the line edit properties
and all I'm going to do is I'm just
going to take the off type in .
which is not a fib number this is like
from horizontal support to resistance
and that's going to give us the targets
we do that a lot okay doesn't mean they
all work but it's the same pattern over
and over and over again okay so if you
said James I'm dying to set a Target
let's set the target at
I'll do that for you because well as
Ben Watson would say we like you okay
and what I'm going to do is let me dup
duplicate that order what I'm going to
do in this case is we'll put the Target
right at
okay so let's put that right
there and then if we talked about
where that support level is zoom in on
that take that down if we said look I
want to set a stop
underneath today's low well today's low
is at
so if I said I want to set that
stop % less than that
less %
so now if I go back and put that
okay shares confirm
send there it is okay now the biggest
thing is that the market starts going
back up and we're sitting primarily in
, of the , is is sitting in
cash what does cash make
doesn't really make anything okay that's
the problem that's why we're trying to
get it to work notice this first line is
saying you made this uh an investment
based upon a certain amount of capital
noted and then with the stop order
there's no guarantee the execution price
will be equal to or near the activation
price the activation price is the stop
that we placed we're going to send that
order and that fills so now what you're
going to see is when we go back to this
okay that order fills there now I want
to go back and see if there's any
questions okay now Scott says my
inclination would be to wait until
eclipsed Scott I'm gonna push back on
you buddy we're friends okay but right
now let's go edit okay let's talk about
this here's the problem it sounds
logical yeah yeah that's what I'm going
to do I'm going to wait until we go
above the old high and if we were
betting uh of what would be the the
outcome of that we would say that most
in people would say well now it's at
all-time high and I don't I'm not going
to buy at alltime high I feel like now
I'm too late I think that would probably
be % likelihood or more probably to
that if someone said that
okay it sounds logical but in reality
might not happen let me ask you another
question okay why are we getting such a
large candle up near the prior high if
someone doesn't think or some
institutions don't think this could go
higher right okay so that kind of goes
back to you know we wanted a pullback we
got a pull back okay so we get a
pullback we finally get one one so
there's step one
they're step two and on the same day
they're step three you wanted a pullback
you got it now someone's saying I'm
going to wait for the brand new high
wait I thought you want a pullback I
thought you wanted to know when to
consider the entry you get that and now
all of a sudden I'm GNA wait for the
brand new high okay now I'm not just
channeling my my frustration towards
Scott okay but I we've all been that
person okay so the biggest actually
thing is be careful of always say I'm
going to wait for it to make a brand new
high because if you called those people
back that said that a friend of yours
not you you're going to find out a large
majority of the time they never got in
okay they forgot all they were busy
whatever okay so we're not waiting so
why not wait for the pullback okay so if
you get like a stock that's making a
higher low higher low higher low some
investors will say I gotta wait for it
to Brand make a brand new high well why
not try to buy some on that dip as it's
making a higher low and then maybe try
to add so some investors say look I'm
going to play Both Sides okay I'm going
to try to buy on the dip the pullback
and then I'll add if it breaks out but
the problem is if you try to add a full
position when it breaks out the biggest
thing is you'll say you'll feel like
you're late you're buying elevated off
support and then you just feel like I
should have got in back here I should
have got back in here I should have got
in here and now I waited all the way up
here and I'm just I need to run another
search stop running searches and maybe
trade what's on the
screen okay I'm coming down from the
soap box now but that's something that I
think what happens is people say this
but then do something else if you wanted
to pull back you got it trade what is
your entry signals if that's your signal
then trade the signal but don't just
kind of say things like oh I'm gonna
wait wait till this wait to that wait to
that Scott Thompson said at the best
what would you need to see to to
consider an entry per your rule set
okay just eclipse in the old high is not
the only entry we know that that's a
breakout but we know that there's a
bounce typically before the breakout I'm
not just talking to Scott here okay I'm
just that the me there's a mentality of
waiting to the new high okay before that
new high there can be other
opportunities as well okay
all right
now are we still friends okay now some
of you are wondering geez no wonder he
doesn't have any friends okay H now
here's the deal what I want to do is I
want to also go back so we talked about
adding to the position there I want to
go back to for example one other one
just real quick I want to mention meta
today kind of Hit the
middle of the channel okay now if you
take a look at the this if we zoom in we
did a little trade on that we don't have
a Target yet but the one thing I want to
start to watch okay we have a Target on
this at
four well excuse me
okay what I want to do so we got a
Target at today's price at the
highest was
now what you're going to notice is
the reward so if we we were at
and then we have a target of like
we're only trying to make $ more
does that make sense type in the chat if
that makes sense okay today's high was
we were trying to go to we were
trying to make more
dollars now Captain Obvious here it
comes it's going to hit you right
between the eyes we were at this
morning and then what you're going to
notice is the stop was way down here at
so we're trying to make more
dollars but the stop loss is points
down can you hear me down there so
that's what we call like that one to
four $ up $ down this triggers what
type of stop methodology that we're
going to use well if we're if we're
trying to make okay if we're trying to
make in this case more dollars
we're not going to risk $ to the
downside for that we're going to start
to squeeze the stops now we always talk
about two two different methodologies we
always talk about a one: one reward R
ratio okay
or the one to
. okay we trigger that when the reward
to risk
ratio is to four or
worse so we saw that we we were trying
to make $ more but the stop was
points down that's pretty much one to
four what do you mean or Worse one to
five one to six Etc as you go up closer
and closer to the Target uh you're going
to see in this case that the that
potential loss or how much you're giving
back down to the stop becomes worse and
worse and worse so we're going to use
the example one to one and a half simple
we had
$ to the Target okay fine now we're
going to take that $ times
. and it is going to give us survey
says well it's going to give
us and a half so who cares what are
we going to do with the and a half we
are going to take the highest price we
were at today less a half and
what that's going to do is it's going to
give us where we're going to raise up
the stop loss okay now if you know
anything about the stock market someone
will say a comment that we hear very
frequently I was doing so good until
what I was doing so
good until I gave it all back okay my
gosh you could have a shirt of that so
why do they give it all back they have
really poor reward Rous ratios
one way that I learned over time to kind
of say hey how could you try to keep
that reward risk ratio on your side well
don't risk more than you're trying to
make okay and what you're going to
notice is this one to one uh would
really be the tightest and the one to
one and a half is really a little looser
the key to remember is you're taking the
whatever if you're using one and a half
that half is coming off the highest
price irregardless if we were there so
hey I wasn't there this morning doesn't
matter we're going to move up to stop
anyway we're going to take the
highest price less and a half where'd
you get the and a half well it's the
reward times . we're going to move
with the target the stop excuse me to
and it's
right d com it about right there okay
now I'm going to kind of go in and just
kind of move that a smidge
GTC okay read that line again send the
order now there you go so now we've kind
of squeezed it a little bit okay are
there any questions oh yeah Nora knew it
she's like oh man I met someone says
until I gave it all back those are the
worst words to come out of your lips now
I want to go to another stock just
briefly Amazon okay now I want to kind
of take this Blow by blow day by day
here okay now I want to kind of just
look at this chart the chart only before
I go there I want to see if do we have
any trades in here on
Amazon now if we pull this up go back to
the IRA what is the position do we have
any on this it's a short vertical okay
and what you're going to notice is we
have a long call
vertical now let's say I didn't know
anything about managing positions on
Amazon is there anything to do James L
do you see anything BJ Nora okay medy do
you see anything that we should consider
talk to me now remember when you look at
this line we're looking at the Amazon
line what is the trend of Amazon and if
we see that number three that's almost
like maybe a little Christmas time that
maybe that stock potentially could be
making higher highs and higher lows but
I'm so confused why does for example
this right here show one because that is
charting the put
prices okay simple now so by the way
that wouldn't be bad if it's a bullish
position you want the puts to go down
now if we take a look at this position
we're sitting here about
% we're going to try to grab beep beep
back the truck up and we're going to try
to harvest or haul away those
gains off now we haven't got filled we
haven't made anything yet I mean we have
some potential Gaines but nothing has
been realized let's try to realize it
okay now here's the deal uh we're going
to right click on those lines create
closing order and then we're going to
buy that back now when you do a vertical
a short put vertical you get in for a
credit and then what you're doing is
you're buying it back hopefully closer
to zero you get a credit okay let's say
two bucks and then you buy it back at
cents you're trying to make that
difference less the commission okay now
some people uh if you take a look at
this they might say well I could wait
another days is
and try to make cents or you might
just consider rolling the position now
I'm not going to roll a vertical we're
going to try to be a little bit more
aggressive with this trade when we say
aggressive we're going to talk about
picking a strategy that has a higher
directional sensitivity okay so if we
take a look at we're buying that
vertical back we're giving where's the
bucks coming back well it's cents
or bucks times three contracts okay
there's where the is coming there's
okay there it is send the
order fire in the hole now what we're
going to see is if that position fills
we're going to give it two three minutes
doesn't fill we're going to go ahead and
see why is it not filling now let's go
back to this now let's kind of take a
look Blow by blow so if we take a look
at this we zoom in Red Line Red Line Red
Line Red Line red line all the way down
down down come on down
so how do you know when it's maybe going
turn when we start to see like bullish
candles piercing lines inverted hammers
when you start to see those moving
averages starting to pinch you start to
think hey we could be starting to get a
little turn here now notice I ain't
showing you the macd okay I don't want
you to look at that right now I want you
to look at candles price and mov
averages only when those moving average
starting to squeeze like B scripts
you're thinking hey we could be starting
to get a little bounce here now what do
you notice there's your bullish
engulfing there's like an inverted
hammer and those moving averages
pitching okay now is that an entry yet
well we don't see any color on the
moving averages yet going from red to
Green don't have anything nothing next
one nothing damn oh little hammer time
so far
okay no moving average changes now
notice we're not using different ways
to get in okay what do you see now talk
to me Nora what do you see BJ what do
you see John okay s says James sorry
James I don't know what you're sorry for
okay John says is there a way to keep up
with the move revise stop to be placed
uh into the original
group yeah so the key is just move it up
to uh let me actually take a look at
that in just a sec but I think you could
just move it uh reallocate it to the to
the stock group okay we see that shorter
term line go from red to Green okay so
and then little start here okay of a
move there's your cross and notice the
first one didn't pan out we thought hey
it was really close do not be
discouraged by that sometimes that first
entry that looks like it might happen
sometimes it could drop down a little
bit further the SEC now it didn't give a
signal okay second time it did and
that's where we are number one number
two and three on the same day that two
and three can happen on the same day if
the move is pretty well bullish so in
other words what do I mean by that let's
say you go up five bucks in a day like
on a this stock price a large up move
like that can cause both the moving
average to cross and that lagging moving
average to turn at the same time but if
it's a slow turn that might not be the
same day here's where we are now it's
it's probably thinkable uh to say hey
we've gone up could we have maybe a
little pause day Etc maybe let's say we
wanted to not do a short putut vertical
but to do a long call vertical now does
anybody know who teaches that class
every Thursday at : a.m. eastern
does anybody know who would actually
teach that class on long call verticals
and diagonals now what we're going to do
is we're going to pick something like a
long call vertical and that position is
not filled yet and as I'm kind of
getting an answer I'm GNA come in here
and see if we can't just flip that the
market we're above the mid price that's
what's interesting at D we're going to
go to the July we're going to go out a
little bit more we're going to pick
something like the at the money call the
whole goal of buying at the money is
your trying to have some of the option
value be intrinsic value okay so some of
this we're at and change the option
is all the a is intrinsic
value think of it as short-term Equity
okay that number changes based upon
where the stock is in relationship to
the Ste right okay now what we're going
to do is we're going to right click on
we're going to go to where it says
buy and then
vertical now if we said vertical okay
yeah the chart that that you're
absolutely right BJ's yeah good job now
what I'm going to do is I'm going to
right click on that buy vertical now in
this case what we're going to do is
we're going to buy the and then sell
so by selling the
it's pushing down the break
even so if we buy the we have the
right to buy the shares at
but the right's not free what's the
debit so if you add those two
together you get La grand total
okay fine but where do you make the most
stock needs to close above both strikes
of course would like it to close above
if it does
Max profit $ spread less the debit
and the max loss well the debit now if
you ask most people okay hey how many of
you actually can go out and buy $
$ $ $
stocks you know some people might say I
don't have the money to buy a lot of
shares of those verticals diagonals
things like that can be a way to try to
trade some of these higher priced dollar
stocks now what I'm going to do is I'm
going to go back and again I'm going to
try to work both of these accounts when
we look at what's the maximum loss we
said this
morning in the margin account we could
ma really risk about ish bucks or
so therefore we're going to do two
contracts in the margin and in the ira
we said look we're going to try to keep
all the losses no more than a half
percent to
% okay now so if I said look this
account is at
and we're said what's a half of
% it's
bucks so if I went four contracts
could we do that yeah let's double check
I just don't want
to think yeah that it's not yeah okay
so we could do that but no more
than four now some people say well I I I
look at different stocks per different
accounts if it's good for the
one the margin account doesn't have
anywhere near the money the the other
one does but we're looking for Trends
we're going to trade them both okay send
the order now notice that we're going to
look and see it's now when it we do that
the account goes to Total all accounts
so if I want to go back to the margin
Mar account say did it fill in the
margin not yet and we haven't seen any
pop up Margin to the IRA did it fill
there and what you're going to noce down
below it has not filled yet okay so
that's one we're going to also keep our
eyes on are there any questions now Thea
says how to create a scan to get such
across as a okay oh man there
there's no way to do that okay that's
funny that's not true at
all okay so here's the
deal and forgive my forgive my platform
so when I'm doing a class it kind of
takes the bandwidth off my computer and
there's a column heading so so Thea you
says run a
scan we're gonna change that and say
look how about just what is the script
to find like a whole moving average if I
said I want to try to find something
where there is a recent moving average
okay I'm just going to go ahead and
right click on that edit formula and
what I'm going to do is I'm going to
just share this with you okay now so
what happens is we get a link that link
for example I come to this okay now
here's the deal if we had a margin
account the IRA account if we're trading
options in both that's assuming that we
options ability and both to trade that
strategy so you need to see what what
level am I in terms of uh trading in my
margin account what level am I in terms
of trading in that IRA account you have
to verify that okay we're going to
assume that we could do a vertical a
Define risk trade in both okay now when
I send out this script in the chat okay
uh here's the deal now the actually says
and set an alert I'm going to P back on
that the here's the thing people want to
run a scan no I want to run a scan and
then I want to get an
alert here's the problem we're just
making it too complex if you said to me
how many scans do I run daily
zero how many scans do I run a week
zero so the biggest thing is the reason
why it's zero how many you run for the
zero so if you have this up whether it's
on your computer your tablet your phone
or whatever you could simply just look
at this in other words we're just making
too many steps why not just pull up the
list of stocks you like to normally look
look at Dow nasc S&P Etc
whatever it is and just look down the
column okay just look at the setup that
you have
okay so someone doesn't need an alert
they could just say I'm doing my routine
now and I'm looking down the column to
see do any of those stocks actually have
the setup that I'm looking for across
today cross in the last day cross in the
last two days the problem with an alert
is that makes me think that you're not
looking at the
platform whether it's on a mobile device
whether it's on an iPad or a tablet or
platform okay so you don't an alert if
you have that column heading and you're
doing your routine so this is where
sometimes I think we want to kind of
have like a set routine and then we add
layers on top of it are you making it
more hard than it needs to be okay now
remember I'm your coach first I'm your
friend second okay now we're going to go
up to the very top how do you put this
bad boy on the very top right we're
going to click on the gear open shared
item okay that's all hardest thing for
people remember top of the right open
shared item and now what you're going to
see is we're just going to copy and
paste that in now if you're doing a
routine now no one can tell me I'm so
busy okay I teach the mobile class you
can see this exact same thing on your
mobile phone don't tell me you're not
looking at your phone I know you're
looking at your phone okay you could
pull up the Thinker Swim app you could
pull up a watch list and you could
actually have a column heading that's
called home moving average X and it
would tell you that okay nobody's that
busy okay what we're now going to go
ahead and do is just add this whole ma X
I'll call it class okay how do you find
that now now remember go to the top
right go to excuse me we're going to go
to the column headings right click
customize now if we customize right
click on any of these headings click
customize we'll just type in whole m a
class now if you have never really used
The Thinker swim mobile app okay I'm
telling you on your mobile device you
can get these script studies on your
mobile device as well the color will be
different but it's still going to give
you the numbers to see if it's meeting
criteria or not need to remember scripts
are not guaranteed for accuracy so you
want to verify those but you can get
those on your mobile phone okay you can
put the phone in the pocket you don't
even need to bring a bag it's in your
hands if you're not coming to that
mobile class uh tomorrow you need to
that way you can actually see how this
works on the Fly okay now the comment
from Zer can you please describe the max
column well the max right click we're
going to go to the edit formula if you
don't know what those are we're going to
right click on that edit formula that is
just using uh different moving averages
okay so one of those that I sent out
earlier this week is using a day
exponential moving average with a -day
the whole moving average is using the
configuration so sometimes people like
to look for and you'll see that there's
a description of what it's actually
looking for it says day whole moving
average this Max was if people don't
like to use a weighted moving average
but you're using like something like an
exponential and simple and by the way
that's not bad either the exponential is
close to the waiting of all
but the whole is the more sensitive of
the two now sirer says how to the how
the column on the mobile okay so for
example if you bring up your watch list
right on your mobile device and if what
you want to do is when you bring up your
watch list on your mobile device click
on the settings click on the gear and
you want to go down to where it says
quotes So step one go to the mobile go
pull think or Swim app step two go to
your watch list step three click on the
settings at the top go down to custom
quotes those scripts that you have on
your desktop will also be on your phone
okay there you there you go all right
next question uh now do the original TD
Mar trade scripts uh transfer to swab
need to be updated yeah they do as of
tomorrow I'm going to actually bring
over all the scripts we have from the
old website to the new website you can
actually see those so let me kind of
just show you where I'm going to put
those and I'm going to put that so
historically I had a script list that we
had that was on X and all the scripts
that we used whether we're tracking
price performance volatility moving
averages relative strength bullish
bounces breakouts anything you could
probably dream of
correlation yield whatever Futures okay
it was all right here I just pretty much
putting on the final touches I'm taking
all these old scripts moving them over
to the new platform and so all those
script codes will be updated okay so we
don't have to talk about the old website
anymore we could just move on and get on
okay H next
question uh now
the comment was is there a way to get
level two to show more than columns
man I am not the one to ask about level
two okay we don't use level two so I
would probably call into let's say uh
the by the way you can go to the very
top right where it says support click on
support and then you could just say
create a support re request a lot of
people that's how they get in touch with
the trade desk and you could just ask a
question click on support go to create
support request and just type in that
question whoever's at the trade desk
will actually pull up here you can type
in your question a lot of times you can
get those questions answered right there
okay without even any calling anyone so
if you're not a people person that is
dream all right here we go now let's
kind of go
to uh if we look at another St that I
want to go to for just a moment uh one
of the other stocks I want to kind of
take a look at is uh I want to bring up
stock and the one I want to actually
kind of pull up just real quick
is couple times couple
recently some people have been watching
a stock like coca colola that is one
that actually did actually go to a brand
new high keep an eye on Dr
Pepper he
DP that is also one that for example
broke out maybe is in that little
flag and is maybe trying to get a little
push too I want to end on going back to
Google for just a moment and I want to
look at this trade and we're going to
kind of use this as a long synthetic
example now on Tuesday we talked
about long synthetics which are just a
long call plus a short put so if we had
to grade this entry and say of what step
are we on one two or three we're on step
one shorter term moving average green we
don't have a cross yet if we had the
cross that would be two we're not there
yet if we actually you said do we have
three three would be the cross in or the
moving average turning green it's not so
we're going to show an aggressive entry
now if this goes up we're probably going
to look back and say my gosh the
investor was so smart we don't know that
okay some investors might say James I at
least want to get to step two uh before
considering entry now what we're going
to show on this is we're gonna buy a
long call on Google if we bought a long
call on Google many investors might take
one or two strikes in the money or
for our example what we're going to
do is we're going to take the same
strike on the call side okay and on the
put side the put strike is a little
higher on Delta but not massive okay now
what we're going to do is we're going to
rightclick on the ask price buy then
we're going to go over right to where it
says collar synthetic now for time sake
I'm not going to buy the put we talked
about that on um Tuesday we're just
going to look at this trade by itself a
long long Sy synthetic two bullish
options there's the debit you have the
right to buy the shares at and that
right net net is
we're going to come down and say
single order first triggers seq we're
going to right click on this line and
now we're just going to create opposite
order that wasn't too hard okay now on
that opposite order we're going to
change that to a conditional order limit
to a Market Day to a GTC now if we click
on that right there now this is where we
can go over to the right and click on
that gear and click on it okay now I'm
GNA speak to where that stop is and the
target is if we were trying to give this
some room okay where was the last little
plateau of support we we might as
investors kind of take that less
% and we might be thinking about a stop
maybe somewhere right around
yes okay now what I'm going to do
is back off if we kind of looked at this
and said look we got a prior High we got
a pullback we also have something on
this chart where we really kind of have
like a diagonal line of
resistance sometimes the diag
line might touch many or multiple prior
highs if we extended that into the
future we're kind of looking at maybe if
it went straight up we're not saying it
is we don't know but if it did that
upper Target might be in the
vicinity of
now I don't have time to kind of put
those on there but I'm just going to
speak to the Target
and then the downside if it were to
go down one
so this is more of a continuation
from the talk that we actually did on
Tuesday now if you have not subscribed
to the trader talks Channel please
please do us a favor do yourself a favor
subscribe if you have not done so
already so that way you get all of our
content for free right on your mobile
device tablet whatever you got or on
your computer also I want to give you
quick heads up that coming up next we
will have the class on selecting an
option strategy of Ken Rose I want to
thank Ben Watson for answering those
questions in chat and I want to thank
you for being such a lively bunch and I
like when we kind of argue back and
forth a little bit because now we really
start thinking about strategy and and
and nobody knows % what's going to
happen in the future but we kind of
think through of is that really what you
want to do okay it's a great discussion
here today now also remember that come
tomorrow the all these scripts will be
updated and posted on my X page this is
my X page I'll post that tomorrow those
will all be updated uh quick reminder
that with what we discussed it was done
for example illustrative purposes only
this has been the class on trading the
trend with that said stay tuned for Ken
Rose coming up next take care bye-bye
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