Trading with Technical Indicators | Moving Average Application on thinkorswim®
Moving Average Application on thinkorswim®
Moving Average Application on thinkorswim® | Trading with Technical Indicators
hello and welcome to trading with
technical indicators my name is James
Boyd we welcome you on this Monday
morning and it's uh Market that's
looking like this might be deteriorating
a little bit we'll talk about that now
we welcome Scott Aloha back to you Kathy
Grace Eddie Doug rice bird and many
others we also have Brent Moors in the
chat we welcome him as well let's go
ahead and hop right in today we're going
to really be talking about um some uh
updated scripts the moving average
scripts we'll talk about those the label
themselves and the moving averages with
the use on the monitor tab market watch
and charts now we want to talk about
that because recently we just all moved
over to the Schwab thinker swim some of
you might have not have those scripts so
I want to talk about those and we're
going to be also using those as trade
examples here today let's hop right in
now remember with what we discussed here
today the information here is provided
for General informational purposes only
should not be considered an
individualized recommendation or
endorsement of any particular security
chart pattern or investment strategy
when and if we talk about options
options carry high level risk not
suitable for all investors all investing
involves risk and when we also talk
about examples they are just that so
today what I want to do is if you go to
my uh if you go to for example and I I
sent you this link before but let me
resend it out and uh for some of you who
are not on X okay you might say say hey
I I don't have X formally known as
Twitter that's fine I'm going to also
put this information in the in the
description as well on this video this
is being recorded also re remember when
we go when we scroll down historically
we had some of these old scripts that
were good on the previous website I want
to kind of talk about kind of
translating some of that over uh here
today and I'm going to really be talking
about this section where we talk about
crossover scripts daily weekly we're
going to be talking about the
differences in the whole moving average
versus regular moving averages talk
about cold which is a bullish bounce
setup the
cbld which is a bearish Bounce Down
potentially and we're going to also be
talking about the label counters on the
market watch that have been updated and
also the label counter that is on the
chart okay now I can give you that
directly this link if you if you have X
it will take you take you directly or
should to this direct post that was done
minutes ago remember if you're
watching this on recording or you do not
have X I'm going to put these scripts in
description because I love you now just
real quick as we get started let's talk
about just briefly the markets okay now
if we take a look at kind of the markets
what you're going to notice is we went
up to the downward trending period
moving average and so far it's been a
decent rejection okay went up the open
was pretty much the Gap and then it
faded quite hard today's candle what
would that be
called okay what would today be
called well if we close here that would
be yours truly a bearish engulfing okay
so never like the red shading never like
that okay understand that you have to
get sell offs before you get
bounces right and so far the bounce kind
of a little soft here now we'll talk
about sectors and how this plays in in
just a moment okay when you look at the
NASDAQ didn't even get up to the
period moving average barely got above
the and then faded down so the NASDAQ
even being a little soft okay Dow Jones
itself it had been ugly it led to the
downside kind of has more of that dark
cloud cover now want to kind of say one
thing as we saw the market drop what did
these two portfolios do with its
positions on a primary basis well we
exited the positions we know we exited
something because the cash is so high
relative to the account balance there is
only $, of capital in the market
from the IRA account that's it the rest
is sitting on on a soft fluffy puffy
pillow and kind of now literally is it
sitting on no it's not sitting on okay
it's just sitting kind of waiting for
those better setups to come which are
still yet to be seen okay now when you
take a look at the IRA so a lot of cash
there and you're going to see that if we
look at the margin quite a bit of cash
there , of , you only got
$, invested okay Grand told these
two portfolios only a $, investment
that's it okay now why is that well we
didn't like the trends we saw that there
was exits and we're going to talk about
how we're using these scripts for a
couple purposes which will name in just
a moment but Dow kind of still being
pressed down Russell God you even have
to say that the Russell is doing better
than the Dow okay least Russell staying
closer to the top where we're getting a
little bit more interest here is on the
vix we said this last week in Tuesday's
class Beware of the vix when it's low
and doing a bullish blank Divergence now
it's not called blank fill in the blank
that is okay Beware of the vix
low with a
blank yeah I should say a bullish blank
diverence fill in the blank okay fill it
in now also just real quick kind of
something on the on the news front crude
oil just absolutely getting walloped
here this morning we had ISM
Manufacturing numbers coming in at what
okay that's s like a contractionary
reading new orders were also
contractionary when I say contractionary
you'd almost have to say pre-
recessionary numbers you're seeing the
US dollar which is a reflection of that
bad number on the ropes or I could say
on the mat of support and you're going
to see gold getting a little bit of a
push that order from last Thursday Did
trigger okay silver was stomped out and
gold was triggered back to the upside
funny how that works now let's kind of
talk about just real quick what we're
going to really want to be using here
today and I want to go to the market
watch for just a
moment and what I want to do is I want
to bring up the indexes okay so when we
talk about trading with technical
indicators one of the main indicators we
used for technical analysis is scripts
and one of those main scripts that we
actually talk about is moving averages
the moving averages could be done in
many different ways and the purpose of
using the scripts for let's say moving
averages is to identify
sentiment okay if we see that everything
is bearish or most likely bearish that's
going to probably tell us something
about maybe the the sentiment itself at
the current time but also it's going to
tell us something maybe about the
strategies an investor might pick uh
number two from those uh scripts it also
might give us the idea of potential buy
and sell
signals okay now we know that for
example when we talk about scripts we're
using them number one the market watch
tab like from a watch list okay which
could be an index list as well we could
also use them on the charts we we could
also use them on the monitor we could
also use them on the scan and we could
also use them on the left-and side like
your watch list on the left- hand side
so it's embedded everywhere okay now
first off what I want to kind of do is
let me kind of show you something just
real quick okay and what I'm going to do
is let me bring up the index list and
what we have here on the indexes is um
we talked about okay about two weeks ago
the trend script which is right there
and what you're going to notice is okay
the Dow itself number one below both
moving averages NASDAQ Russell and SPX
showing in number five what does number
five mean and by the way if you say I
don't know what it means right click on
the column heading it will give you a
description of each
okay and by the way I'll show you where
that recording is if you miss that
recording now five just means we're in
in between the moving averages if you're
five that means you've broken down below
the short-term moving average you're
losing bullish momentum you lose bullish
momentum you're maybe starting to create
a bearish trend five is not good okay so
now if we look at the the vix not the
greatest sign to see the vix okay in a
number three you want your stocks in the
number three number three is when the
stock is above both moving averages here
we don't want the vix above both moving
averages okay because that actually
means that the vix is rising that
actually means that stocks could be
falling now remember if you don't have
the script rightclick edit formula let
me send this to you and what you're now
going to notice is put that right there
script's not guaranteed for accuracy
remember when you put that on right
click on the column heading there's a
reading right here okay uh read it what
is what what is one right what is two
two what is three I mean just read down
it the bottom line is doesn't make sense
we know how to read but we don't read
okay read we wrote it for a reason so it
give you some context and color okay
please read it it make me feel better
okay now so when we look at the indexes
nothing looks great okay and the
volatility actually is not even above
yet which means this sell off might be a
little early in terms of being done okay
now when we go for example to let's say
the sectors just briefly the only sector
that really kind of showed any potential
bullish setup was which one now what I
want to kind of make sure we know how to
do is how do we use these technical
indicators for a routine that's what I'm
interested in kind of teaching right now
how do we use this in terms of routine
I'm showing you so when I pull this up
and I look at this the only thing that
we see in a green color is real estate
okay that's the only thing we see the
only thing we see in a in a orange color
which is a level uh number four which is
technology every other sector didn't
have to even look at the charts we could
to verify our number fives and ones okay
so remember read what it says in number
one read what it says in number five
Five Below both below the but above
the losing bullish momentum could be
the start of a bearish trend one below
both moving averages it means it's well
recently been getting hurt to the
downside now I want to kind of so when
we talk about the indexes we talk about
sectors this now really gives us a sense
of what the sentiment is and if we
wanted to just kind of verify it maybe
just a little bit more we could pull up
like an index like the Dow we pick the
Dow because it's just stocks and when
we look at for example here on the trend
list uh the TD stands for Trend daily
you're going to see half of the list is
in number one Trend condition couple
others in five there is a small slice of
pie here of Dow pie that is for example
green but boy it's a small slice third
of this list is under pressure now don't
think about that song right now okay
think about what the the column is
telling you so we look at the indic
these indicators the script to give us a
sense of the sentiment of the market now
here's the thing you got to be careful
on no pullback including the great great
depression pullback or pullback
eventually every pullback has an end
okay and so the thing is you want to be
thinking hey the sentim is bearish but
where might the market bounce you always
want to answer that question where might
the market bounce what do we want to see
for a bullish reversal now what I want
to do is I want to kind of talk about
the scripts just real quick so right
here we have moving average crossover
market watch and these first two right
here are really based on historical
moving average we use they're not bad
okay and what you're going to notice is
they're for the market watch okay
they're for the market watch okay so we
could just copy and paste those scripts
right there remember they are case
sensitive okay and we could just put
those in now remember when you put those
in and I'm going to show you one of
these watch very very closely okay so
what I'm going to do is I'm going to go
back to this just real quick and then
we're going to look for examples of what
we are seeing so at the very top right
of the screen very top right click on
the gear go to open shared item okay
what we're going to do is I'm going to
say just now I'm going to type this in
or I could just copy and paste there it
is now if you're watching the recording
on at the same time what you're going to
notice is I'm now just going to say
let's preview this okay that here's kind
of the misnomer I already had someone do
this it's okay that's why we're talking
about it hey I downloaded the script I
can't find
it okay we're all guilty okay so when
you say so this is a market watch script
how do I know it's a market watch script
uh because literally says that right on
the sheet okay now I'm GNA call this I I
just call this
Max okay so when I type in Max and say
import this this has been always the
problem that once someone downloads it
they think it magically should appear it
doesn't you got to go to the column
heading okay grab it with both hands
literally and right click on the column
and say customize what you want those
columns to be we want that moving
average crossover script right click on
any column heading click customize on
the left hand side we can pick from the
scripts that we have and then move it to
the right now guys and GS like you if
you can do one of those you can do any
of them okay but sometimes it seems
really hard for some people I think
sometimes people just need to watch me
do it and then watch the recording over
and over maybe in a five minute period
you can do one of them you can do any of
them okay so now what we're going to
take a look at here so the first thing
is when you download the script name it
right click on the column heading you
right click on the column heading any
the scripts you have you could then put
them to what the current set is showing
now let's kind of talk about where the
current market is
now excuse me now first thing what we're
going to notice is some stocks okay when
we look at the moving average crossover
okay there we had a crossover that X is
today okay that's getting a crossover
today crossover Friday cross over Friday
X cross plus one meaning one business
day ago cross plus one cross plus one
cross plus two so out of the whole list
of Dow stocks you got six out of that
are getting crosses so the one of the
first homework assignments that I would
give is update your scripts to to the
new platform okay that would be
extremely helpful and that's what we're
trying to really use them for now let me
kind of just do this just real quick
bring that back there you go so the
first thing is if you don't have that
script put that on I'd also like you to
put the weekly crossover on as well that
is not going to get as free as frequent
as signals but it's not not a bad it's
not it's not bad as well okay uh just
weeklys not going to be as typically
active okay now the one we're going to
focus on right now is that whole moving
average X is it for the market watch or
the chart well if I read it would be for
the market watch and what time frame is
it it's for the day hall and the
-day Hall okay and there's the there
it is and this is where we're going to
kind of get into the trading aspect okay
so if we go back right here you're going
to see the
max okay now if we said just where do we
go to put that on one more time you're I
know you're gonna kill me you know
that's what you're probably thinking I
just need to ask one more time don't
worry about it I uh we were all there
once top right open shared item and then
copy and paste when you put that there
remember to save it okay call call it I
just call it h
Max and then right click on the column
heading now what you're going to notice
is when I go to the very top if you
wanted to customize these okay
rightclick edit the formula okay now
what we can actually see in this case
it's using the whole moving average and
anytime that we actually see length of
there's your and then we have
length of if you like to use not
but maybe something like feel free to
anytime you see take out and then
there take it out put take it
out type it's an easy way to change
it okay anywhere you see put it to
that's if you want those signals to be a
little slower fine okay so now we're all
happy now I want to go back to just real
quick one of the things that we saw from
before and I want to bring just CL just
briefly okay now when we look at CL and
we look at this chart okay now if we
kind of went to one thing that we had
before which is this chart
itself I want to bring this back up and
I wanted so there was a question asked
about the bullish bounce dots known as
cold or the bullish bounce dots called
cbld now I want to kind of put this on
here because this might be an
interesting time to get a little
practice because there might be some
things going down let me kind of just
put this on for just a moment so this is
going to be a chart script okay and this
where we're going to get into the
trading how do we know it's a chart
script well H moving average ma with
cold on chart how do you put the script
on the chart how are we going to do our
first trade well what I'm going to do is
going to go to the the very top right
open uh shared item copy and paste
preview now I'm just going to say uh
import this and now what you get in this
case is a miniature chart you haven't
had to name it yet okay now what you're
going to notice on this chart is we see
Dots Dots Dots those green dots are
really for bullish bounce setups okay
now what we're do is we're going to
change it to a one-year daily chart okay
and I'm going to go back to the test
tube so whenever we actually want to
edit something on this chart I want to
show you this feature we're going to
click on the test tube right there click
now what you're going to notice is
there's a section in this uh setting
where it says cold and CB LD close below
the low of the high day that's the
bearish version of Co now when you go
over to this gear the
settings click on the settings now what
you're going to notice is it's kind of
more of a toggle on toggle off we have
said on here show cold yes but what we
really want is we want to see show close
below low of high day no
yes okay now we don't always have that
turned on because the most of the time
we're bullish but if we have a chart
that is going
down now we can see the bearish version
of CLE let's see that and let's do an
example so what I'm now going to do is
I'm going to go apply and then okay and
now we're gonna see I'm going to bring
up a chart here and I'm going to start
with example given
Alberton so I want to talk about the
moving averages and these dots okay so
first off when we talk about let's say
the moving averages we know that when
the shorter term moving average goes
from green to Red not the greatest sign
we're losing momentum okay that's on the
day moving average Line This is the
we know that if that goes from green to
Red that's not a great sign the is
used for a
momentum Momo and the is used for
Trend if both lines are red you know you
have negative momentum at that time and
negative Trend now what are these red
dots for the red dots are really showing
you okay let me take that off kind of
show this what it's doing is it's taking
a look at the most recent
updates well the most recent updates are
one two
three which of those three days do we
have the highest intraday low the
answer it's number
three and if we get the price to trade
in or close below the low of that
highest most recent up
day that is why there's a red dot right
there okay some technicians would say my
gosh I'm going to do a bearish trade now
does it always have to be three days no
if we see where it only goes up for one
day okay what is the most recent update
in terms of a green candle well you only
got one do we clo trade or close below
that day yeah the very next day we did
and that's why it's showing that red dot
and that update only lasted one day but
here we actually have where it goes one
day up green two day up green and then
what we see in in this case is Red Dot
why well because which update is the
highest the second day about that are we
trading in or closing below that second
day the answer is yes that's why there's
that Green Dot okay now so here's the
deal we know that on on the on the
market watch you can have cold you can
have CB lhd as well okay can so there's
not but here what we're actually talking
about is where we can see the kind of
help us see the bullish bounces or
bearish bounces okay now the big thing
is what you got to understand is if that
chart is going down the green dots don't
really matter because you're buying in a
downtrend okay so the number one thing
you're looking for is number one is
Trend okay Trend Trend which moving
average are we using to see the trend
the okay if we see that period
moving average down and we get a Green
Dot okay that doesn't matter because the
trend is
okay yeah so the com okay the comment on
this and and yeah and we could fix that
so how do we actually and I'm doing this
on purpose we can talk talk talk about
settings so how do we change that if I
see that hey this is looking at a and
that's looking at a and this is a
good time to bring it up how do I change
that how hard is it go back into the
test tube and there now the reason why
we want to talk about settings is not
all of us are going to agree okay all we
had to do is oh my gosh that was
incredibly difficult go to where it
saids click on the symbol of gear and
then type in from to oh was back
breaking incredibly difficult okay now
if I also want to make sure when I go
back to this chart and pull this up
there you go how can we verify
and then when I kind of put my cursor
right there and move it around you'll
see over to the right it it should say
okay there you go yep simple now guys
and girls I think it's good that we show
how to change it because not all of us
are going to want one chart okay I mean
when did people agree on anything
never okay very rarely so what I want to
do is I want to talk about looking for a
bearish trade in oil how do we do it
okay now what we're going to do is we're
going to go to market watch and then
we're going to go to let's say visualize
okay now what we're going to do is I'm
also gonna let me actually let me just
show the visual but then we're going to
go to a scan as well because there was a
question on scans with this so if we
want to get a visual idea
where maybe some of those bearish trades
could be we're looking at the S&P
okay well we see the energy in the
bottom right okay if we want to see a
little bit bigger list of energy stocks
of which ones could be getting hit now
we see a little bit easier list to see
there's more stocks that we can read and
there they are right there now the
companies that are actually probably
going to get it more hit from oil prices
dropping the most are ones that are
probably uh not
refiners they're not integrated
companies they're more just the
Drillers so we know Exxon has a gug gas
station and refines okay and they
actually uh search for it we're looking
for probably companies that probably
don't have gas stations but they are
just a Flatout Drillers okay so if the
price goes down it could impact their
more because they're not on all
spectrums of the Fulfillment of that
product okay yeah so now I want to kind
of talk about the the question which was
asked to me on X and it was as follows
Randy welcome to the game of answer that
question okay are the moving average
crossover watch list
scans well so they if you had a like a
lift if you had for example like a a
personal watch list or a public watch
list they can be a scan and I think
you've just shown that as a way that we
can see a sentiment but we could also
for example with this kind of filter
them yeah by looking for opportunities
sure and the question he ask was they
aren't showing up after importing we
just went over that make sure you label
them and then you make sure that you
right click on the column heading but I
want to talk about the scan for just a
moment okay let's say we wanted to go to
scan and I want to use these headings we
just did in terms of like a filter of
looking for something okay now what I'm
going to do is I'm just gonna uh go over
here and I'm just going to clear any
filter the only thing we're looking at
is scanning the S&P
we're going to say intersect with by
industry and we're just going to say
energy now if I just click on the energy
it's just going to pick the sector but
if we want to try to focus on finding
something bearish
that could just be drilling
itself okay if we look at some of these
other companies production marketing
Transportation Etc we might just be
looking for drilling itself okay so we
could but we're just going to take
energy as a whole when we talk about for
example the two things we look for all
the time greater than above a million
in terms of volume there's matches
scan it
now notice that what it comes up with
these headings right here this is not
what we saw in the market watch don't
worry we're going to go over here to the
right hand side and we're going to click
on the three lines click on the three
lines save as a watch list guess where
you could pull up your watch list right
on the market watch tab let's do it I'm
just going to call it energy okay energy
stocks pull it up okay and what I'm
going to do is uh energy let's put it
right there save there you go go back to
Market Watch
quotes right below quotes there's the
little drop down for where we can see
our list personal and go right to energy
now we already put the headings there
okay now I want to talk about just real
quick what we see on the right hand side
okay if we saw like a bearish crossover
this would not be a green background it
would be red it be a red X a bearish
crossover negative okay and it would
also for example I want to kind of talk
about this right here this is where we
talk about kind of seeing how long has
it been down and this is not a New
Concept this has been around since
is this is counting how many days
it's been down so if I said James I want
to get something where it just crossed
down or it those moving average just
turned red well what does the what does
the red background mean it means that
the the moving average has been red for
day one okay the period moving
average it's been read for a day now do
you just kind of take a hook lineon
Sinker and believe it everything you see
no you verify okay so when we actually
go back and say let me see f is that
really kind of what it's supposed to be
showing well let's pull this up has the
moving average for Fang been a day to
the downside one day one day it was
today it was just a big drop on Fang and
here's the thing you can know all about
techn technical indicators you want you
still need to know something about
strength strategy okay because I can say
oh look look at the downtrend okay uh
look at what the indicators are telling
us and the investor could just sit there
and stare at it so this is why we talked
about last
Thursday Tuesday as well is that do you
have a strategy to play bearish now what
we're going to show in this example is a
short call
vertical a more forgiving type of trade
okay where it's more probability based
we're going to go to the trade tab just
real quick so do you understand how we
got here we looked at the indexes part
of the index is we could put some
Commodities like oil and gold that we
like to see based on what those were
doing and what we saw with the energy
sector itself we knew that in that area
it probably be kind of maybe some stocks
going down we ran a
scan based on energy and then we
actually said what stock is maybe fresh
in terms of maybe going down in the last
one two three days well when I looked at
the h whole C that just stands for
it's counting the number of
days that that line has been up or down
and that right there is the H C
o counter and again that just really
kind of showing it's counting the number
days that we actually have now what
you're going to see is those scripts are
right here okay and where does that go
it goes on the market watch okay now I'm
GNA kind of show you something if we
pull this up we're going to go to the
trade tab just briefly we're going to
look to do a short call
spread so a we're going to start with
that first two words short
call so when we talk about a short call
we're going to use the example of
selling now I got some really odd
strikes here okay uh they've got the
and you got really let's say the
We're not gonna go kind of go these
little odd three quars Etc we're
going to try to stay to where there's a
little bit more by the way there's
actually some decent open interest there
but we're going to look at the volume
today there on the we're going to
try to do the
okay so when we look at selling
the when I say short call that means
that we're selling the call okay we're
selling the
call sorry about that let me go actually
go back we're going to look to do the ju
July's okay the we're going to look
to sell that call and that call has a
Bid ask spread of cents we're going
to want to make sure we get somewhere in
the middle like some in the middle being
when you look at the your
typical wide $ spread that's
kind of more standard so we're thinking
here could oil go down and maybe stay
down now there was a couple events last
week that kind of might be leading some
investors to think that if something
were to be the outcome energy might be
under pressure because there might be
more potential potential Supply you fill
in the blanks maybe okay maybe this also
has to do with the number we saw on the
uh ISM Manufacturing data as well could
be both we're going to look to do a
short call vertical there's the credit
notice that the the break even okay
stock's at
and you got a break even of
a built-in maximum loss and
whatever the built-in maximum loses that
is the buying power Effect Note the
commission now I gave you a homework
assignment last week to practice Bears
trades for who
yourself and what you're going to notice
is we're going to practice one more here
and we're going to send that order
clearly the goal is when you sell the
short call is to have the stock stay
below both strikes but especially the
okay now I want to kind of bring
something up for just a moment okay
let's go back to this list okay I'm
going to kind of show us something just
real quick how many you ever feel like
you're just
late and I want to kind of also mention
one other thing on yours when you bring
this up you might say hey James mine is
green I have a green background I have a
green background it's harder for me to
see okay fine now we're going to right
click on that heading edit
formula and what you're going to notice
it on here is it's going to show
us the color blue okay I have never
written a script I I don't know I don't
know a stinking thing about how to write
a script I'm just being honest okay I
don't how to use the scripts I've never
wrote a single one of them okay if
someone said well James what is your
academic uh level in terms of writing
scripts okay I can take out a color and
it went from Blue I could type in green
yellow red that is to my extent as f as
far as my script knowledge so if I went
back to green and said apply okay for
you as the Watcher you might say hey I
can't see the number how do you change
that right click on the heading custom
formula and just find the green
background and just just type in blue I
think you can do that because you know
as much of scripts as I do okay perhaps
maybe you know a lot more blue now I
think you can actually see that a lot
better what I'm trying to see is the
counter okay the counter itself now how
many you ever feel like you're just
always getting in
late but what what this is trying to
stop people from doing or at least to
evaluate is you have a stock right here
SLB that has been down for days on
the whole moving
average this one PSX it's been down for
days on that whole moving average it
could have go further it could but the
biggest actually thing here is if you've
been down days already the
investor might say gez have I missed
that shortterm opportunity so maybe
investor says you know I'm trying to
find the ones that are maybe like only
down for one day the the -day moving
average been down for seven days we
already talked about the Fang and which
other one for example you see Devin it's
been down for days and the shorter
term moving average has dropped again
cop has been down for days on the
hall and it's been down for eight days
so I want to go to oxy real quick this
is something a little earlier potential
Into the selloff Now want to kind of
make sure we're crystal clear when you
see a blue background does that mean
bullish or
bearish does that mean bullish or
bearish yeah blue is really bullish okay
I'm just changing that so you can see it
better on your end if you can see the
green on your end fine fine just keep it
green I'm just doing that so you can see
it on your side easier okay now I want
to go to just real quick want to go to
the example let's follow all this all
the way over oxy okay there it is why am
I looking at that well it just dropped
down one day ago the period Hall
moving average has been down for seven
days let's look and see what we have
okay pulp oxy okay now if you look at
oxy what you're going to notice is we
kind of have like a
plateau of support okay it's kind of
sitting right there the next level below
us might be in the vicinity of there and
we're obviously talking about down there
okay now we said last week if now
remember you can know all about
indicators at some indicators are only
good to a point okay we now need to know
about strategy when we look at this wh
when we look at this chart what you're
now going to notice is the moving
averages they're down and that
short-term moving average went down in
the last
day now now if we look at this chart for
just a
moment I want to
see my dots okay so what I'm going to do
is I'm going to put those back
on and I want to see if we can't just
kind of show that a that one doesn't
have it you know that if you put uh put
that chart back on today should be what
well remember you went up for one day
two day which day is the highest it's a
second day and what you're now going to
see is right now we drop down that would
be a close below the low the high day
and so that is what some technicians
call a bearish bounce down we're going
to use the example on this of a long put
vertical so when you're doing a long put
you're picking the strike where you
think the stock could stay below okay
we're going to R right click on the long
put strike where we think the stock
could stay
below what we're going to do is we're
going to make it a $ spread after we
verify what's the open interest and the
spread on that and a half why the
and a half well because the long put we
chose was and a half we're going to
do the and a half and make that your
classic $ wide spread there's the debit
okay and the built-in Max loss
is okay the debit the
$ and the potential maximum gain
now the difference between a short call
vertical long vertical is the break even
and if you change the break even you're
changing the
probabilities the difference also there
is of course the time Decay okay we're
going to send that order now I also want
to kind of say this last thing here okay
what we can also do with these scripts
is if if we have positions that we're
monitoring we could actually go to that
column heading right there and we could
just type in okay that day whole
label we could actually just put that
right there okay so this is now going to
count the days that it's been up and the
second thing we could actually do is
also put there as well okay and if I
put that and mine have my there it is
let me actually change that put that
back and let me put okay so now what
you're going to see is we can have those
counters right on the market watch as
well okay now there it is and when I say
there it is I I did set those up earlier
with the blue background so you could
see those okay so if you're managing
positions clearly you want that ticker
to be getting up higher and higher
higher to let us know that trend is
continuing to go if that goes from that
blue or green color whatever color you
set that to and it goes red it's
probably telling you that trend is
starting to reverse so these scripts
these indicators can help us with
positions it can also for example help
us with let's say
identifying sentiment of an index a
basket of Commodities a sector uh uh s
in Industry Group it can also help us
when we run scans to filter that list
and what we really did here today is
also brought up this the the scripts uh
in terms of also bringing them up on the
charts themselves okay so your homework
assignment and I know we all were on the
prior website this is now moving all
that all the things we've done
historically over to the new Schwab toss
so these script are new given the Schwab
thinker swim and I tested them all out
they should be good to go remember that
scripts are not guaranteed for accuracy
they're just showing at that potential
moment in time so your homework
assignment is to make sure you uploaded
those and put those on your market watch
and charts now remember if you have not
subscribed to the trader Talks by Schwab
coaching do so simple how you got do
click subscribe also if you do not have
playlist for this
class okay make sure that for example
you have that playlist and I'll send
that to you right
now and that playlist is as follows okay
there's the playlist now also remember
that uh coming up next right at the top
of the hour we'll be having a session by
uh trading cover calls and short puts by
Michael fairborne gave you a homework
assignment trying to get us updated with
the kind of the newer technology and
then we're all on the same page remember
with what we discussed we did two
examples here today bearish trades we'll
talk about that more tomorrow as well
remember with what we talked about today
that all investing involves risk
including loss of principle they were
examples this has been trading with
technical indicators make sure you do
your homework and I'll see you tomorrow
stay tuned for Michael fairborne coming
up next bye-bye
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