Using Options as a Stock Investor | Combining Option Strategies
Long Synthetics After Pullbacks
Combining Option Strategies | Using Options as a Stock Investor
happy Tuesday to you we welcome you to
using options as a stock investor my
name is James Boyd alongside with me is
my good friend Brent Moors in the chat
we welcome him a fellow instructor as
well he does teach a class on learning
how to use thinker swim today at three
Eastern so check that out just real
quick as we're getting started when we
talk about using options like what type
of options we really try to focus on
probably the most for our examples cash
secure puts cover calls verticals
bullish and bears credits and debits
today I'd like to kind of branch that
out a little bit and talk about
synthetics a bullish version and a
bearish version of that here today we'll
talk about why so just real quick as we
hop right in remember that options carry
a high level risk not suitable for all
investors also understand that when we
talk about examples we will uh they are
just that and we will use the paper
money software application known as the
desktop okay and um I am teaching the
mobile class on Friday in the morning
make sure you're also familiar with the
mobile as well also remember when we
talk about investing investing involves
risk including loss of principle and
when we also talk about examples and we
bring up let's say uh options we will
reference the option Greeks as well now
today what I want to do is I want to
take a look at we will talk about market
conditions I think as of yesterday the
market conditions didn't look that great
this morning things some stocks are
starting to look A Little Bit Stronger
we'll talk about those we'll also talk
about our two portfolios where we are we
use this class as kind of more of the
trading class of the week if you will
and uh what we'll also do is we'll talk
about using those synthetics bullish and
bears to play those Trends so first off
if we take a quick look and let's just
pull up I want to kind of look at the
Dow first okay if you look at the Dow
this is the index that really fell to
the downside
first we would like to see some
leadership in the Dow okay if you look
at the Dow it was like a well it went
straight up and we like those and then
it went straight down and gave it all
back if you look at kind of where we're
fighting and and if you kind of take a
look at the moving average one of the
moving averages okay turned green and
you're going to notice that from
yesterday where that lower Shadow was
where is that lower Shadow uh it's well
went right down to that period moving
average so keep in mind that maybe is
that support starting to be built
already now today you might say oh yeah
it's down points it doesn't look that
great but you got remember you got to
start somewhere okay and so starting to
see a little turn some stocks in the
doubt look a little stronger okay we're
going to bring those up here today we're
going to have more of a bullish slant
we're going to try to take advantage of
the some of the cash that's in these two
accounts and put it to work okay so the
biggest point I want to say say about
the Dow is look for leadership in the
Dow to see if the market can't bounce
back to the upside okay so far A little
turn like to see like a bounce in that
period showing green okay the SPX we
don't even have any green on any moving
average yet we do have long lower
Shadows okay and that's pretty
interesting when you see Shadows uh long
lower Tails as well you could say kind
of you know is that trying to hold that
support level of which are just
really the old high okay that's where
we're getting that number okay NASDAQ
itself but no no no green on the moving
averages same thing actually goes for
the NASDAQ okay sold off down to where
we broke out from not completely unusual
and long lower Shadows again no turn on
the moving averages yet and the
Russ the Russell was doing pretty good
and then today one of the ones okay we
don't trade the Russell that much but
that's where it is kind of in no man's
land now volatility we talked about this
last week and some if some of you don't
know we do have a playlist and that
playlist which I saw Brent send out I
appreciate that we talked about last
week Vick's low and showing a Macky
Divergence okay when we see that it
typically means the market might be kind
of consolidating Andor Maybe starting to
pull back okay like we said yesterday
the pullbacks don't last forever okay we
want to start look and see what stocks
are showing the relative strength what
are we actually looking for to see if
we're starting to see better signs of
potential bouncing it won't be on all of
them but there should be some leaders if
we're starting to get some traction now
what I want to do is also pull this back
up when you look at the vix we went from
a really really low reading kind of more
to the mid
level not crashing to the upside okay
and I know you're thinking please can I
get a vix above it's not giving it to
us right now what if I beg okay uh I
don't know if that really works so
volatility kind of more in that neutral
range let's say not exploding okay now I
want to bring up just super fast sectors
now before I do I want to ask you what
sectors have been the strongest and
again I'm relying that you're looking on
this okay what are you on a daily
routine you should know this already you
should have already done the routine
okay the only one that probably say I
haven't done the routine yet is someone
who's waking up in Hawaii like Scott
okay well if you take a look at the only
sector and we said this yesterday it's
real estate okay real estate and I'm
just using this as kind of a way to
capture what real estate is doing you
might have have a different symbol
that's fine use yours we're going to use
this one real estate is the only one
that's kind of Smashing its way into
resistance and trying to do a bullish
engulfing into that area of resistance I
want to talk about real estate here
today okay the other one we actually saw
which is
technology that's the one that's the
only other one that was actually quite
strong the only one okay now what we're
also going to do is we're going to go to
market watch we're going to bring this
up we talked about using the whole
moving average counter yesterday and I
just want to bring this up if I can in
the sectors and let's kind of see what
we have okay so this is going to kind of
paint that picture so first off when we
see and by the way I did change that
color to the dark green color okay thank
you for that and what you're going to
notice is of the sectors energy Staples
utilities Etc all the way down there's
only one sector
that is showing green on the period
moving average the three represents
three days that it's been green it's
been one day Green in terms of the
period moving average you're going to
see that the technology did go red okay
red meaning it's a red moving average
line it's been down for a day one . is
a day okay it's been green for but
what you're going to notice is it did
turn down so there's only one sector so
what does that kind of tell us about the
market we don't really have breadth of
the market here in terms of bullish
breadth where we have multiple sectors
pushing so it's kind of like investors
are picking little slices of the market
they like and the rest of them not so
much okay now what I want to do is let's
kind of go ahead and take a look at uh I
want to take a look at a position that
we talked about uh before and before we
do that I'm gonna kind of just talk
about these two portfolios for just a
moment and then we're gonna just kind of
start putting on some ideas now number
one is you know that in our classes it's
not just showing strategies we want to
show portfolios over time now if you
watch any of my classes I'm I'm kind of
from like the show me state show me okay
you could talk about strategies and this
analysis all you want show me how that
moves the portfolio relative to The
Benchmark show me the scoreboard okay
now in our
examples we are really focus on relative
strength and we're using stocks and
options to try to trade that relative
strength some of the things we actually
talk about you might not do so
nevertheless we're going to show an
example the portfolio and you pick what
you like so first off this portfolio as
of this morning was at , the margin
k and these started out on November
it was at
, okay when it started and it's
sitting here about let's say .
% if you get real nerdy okay by the way
that number changed a little bit so
let's just say % it's a little higher
now what I want us to look at is how
much are we probably having invested at
any given time we're probably about %
invested why is it higher there compared
to the IRA you got a lower account value
okay it's it's easier to kind of put
that Capital work now when you take a
look at the IRA just real quick
okay and that for example and that
started at
okay and if we look at that that is
sitting at
.% okay now how much of the portfolio
is really invested probably on average
over time it's probably % invested
over time since November and now when
we compare these two to the SPX and say
what's the performance of the SPX s it's
. the goal is when the market falls
down to outperform the goal is when the
market goes up to outperform okay we are
not looking at like well hey let's take
a look at what the gain was relative to
how much we have invested we want to try
to use the capitals as invested so
there's a motivation to use the capital
okay so some of you have asked about
well maybe you should actually just look
at how much you were invested no we're
not going to do that uh so we're
comparing that number that number and
we're comparing it to this number okay
the . is if you all in in the S&P
adds The Benchmark okay now let's
again we're gonna We want to kind of get
graded on using the whole portfolio
value not just what we invested okay now
what I want to do is I want to go back
to the example given of Apple for just a
moment and I want to bring up in this
case let's go this position real quick
okay so one of the strategies we want to
talk about and there was reasons to talk
about it okay so we talked about Apple
long and we talked about Apple going up
into the area of
resistance and when you talk that when
you see that on the chart that normally
means that you're thinking about hey I'm
going to do like a covered call right so
what I want to do is I want to look at
managing this cover call and then kind
of talk about what to do with it okay so
first off if we look at the call
that's what we have the obligation for
from now to expiration someone can take
our shares at if we look and see
where the stock is right now we're at
forish could someone in the open market
just take our shares immediately and the
answer yeah okay now this is paper money
so we were not going to probably get
assigned okay prior to that expiration
but in real money that could be a sign
meaning the shares of stock could be
sold to somebody else they could
exercise their right they're long we're
short and the biggest thing is that
could happen in real money okay now I
want to talk talk about the gain the
maximum gain here okay so a lot of
people kind of talk about well how do
you manage the position well when we
take a look at this position we got in
and I want us to kind of run the math
if you will
and we were able to make up to
so what's the stock appreciation from
to I'm not trying to trick you
here by the way okay now when you take a
look at this that would really be about
$ that's a stock appreciation that
should trick no one okay just made a
little thinner so we can read it now
what we also want to take a look at is
the premium
$. that's on top of the stock
appreciation we're going to put
right there and so if we add those two
six this is if we got a
% of it if that stock goes to or
higher that's you get okay and
the maximum gain is
now I want to look and see if I did
anything wrong there okay now if you
take a look at that shares
I got a maximum gain here at
and it shows right now we're over
that it's looking at
something so it shows that we're
actually over the it it shows that
we're over the and we're at I'm
kind of thinking something's a little
awkward well let's go with it okay now
how do we know we're kind of at the
threshold of nearing maximum gain if
you're in a situation where you're
probably over a Delta okay for that
call if you're over that Delta and
we're right now at
if you're over a Delta what does
that tell us well it means we're getting
deeper and deeper and deeper in the
money okay now what you're going to
notice in this case is how much time
Decay is still in this option answer
$. okay so if we held it what else
could we make answer is more
that's the time value in the option
value okay now the one thing is if we go
back to the Chart does this look like
something that's breaking out I need a
yes or no does this look like something
that's breaking out yes or
no now we take a look at that what do
you notice also on the chart of Apple
before I even pull up the chart let's
kind of take a look at what the what it
showing to us on the monitor page okay
when we take a look at the monitor page
what do you notice the trend three is
good we like that the whole moving
average that counter it's cross green it
turned green four days ago it turned
green on the period moving average
two days ago okay so in this case the
investor might say gez I might be
nearing that maximum gain I want to kind
of take a look at something just real
quick okay yeah that's weird I think
something played tricks it with me so
when we looked at these numbers I think
the number was was the maximum gain
is that correct
how much of the maximum gain do we
have okay I think was the maximum
gain or near there check me if I'm wrong
we're at
okay so the is really taking a
look at the stock gain and the cover
loss so we're getting that from that
number what percent of the maximum gain
do we have type answer that I'm going to
tell you right now you're not going to
know how to do uh manage the position if
you cannot run maximum gain and loss
so this is okay so if we're
at and the maximum gain
we are right now at
% what would give us the idea that we
probably a decent gain if you get the
Delta above okay if that Delta is
above on that short call strike there
a pretty good gain that you might be
starting to get % Etc okay what
left can we make well the difference
between these two numbers that the
difference between those two numbers is
really the extrinsic value now what is a
good game for you you might say well
James good game for me is like I want
% or nothing some people might say
James if I got let's say % I'm done
I'm tapping out now let's kind of say
that we're at % what could the
investor do well we're going to go ahead
and hold down the shift key on the
computer we are going to exit both
positions but I'm going to change the
strategy okay so notice when to hold the
shift key down and then click on the two
lines they they're highlighted we're
going to rightclick create closing order
now someone might ask well why don't you
roll the call we're not going to roll
the call into the area of resistance
okay we're going to create closing order
we're going to sell the position when we
sell the position we're buying the call
back taking the loss and where are the
gains the gains are in the shares okay
and we're getting the net of those two
okay now Ron says don't be a don't
be a greedy Pig okay he doesn't say
greedy pick but he says % so we're
going to go ahead and exit that position
confirm and
send and there we go okay now that fills
now what we're going to do in this case
is we're going to go back to this kind
of what we're seeing on the chart and
we're going to go ahead and try to
change the strategy now if you were
managing this position what type of
strategy would you consider if it was
right here and with a fresh crossover
what type of strategy would you consider
calls buy more
shares change it to maybe like a
vertical where it's not as directly
sensitive what would you consider and
this is really important if you're going
into the area of major resistance you
might choose a strategy that is not as
high we know if you buy shares a stock
is as high as you can get okay so we're
going to change it to like a
vertical and we're going to do a short
putut vertical we're going to do a short
put vertical where we think the stock
could stay up above a certain level okay
let's imagine the as an investor we
decided to go to this
July's and we're g to sell the
s that is kind of like that area
of support that consolidation we had
recently and if we take a look at this
we do already have the and I
want to change that to where we can kind
of just double check just why we're on
okay what's that percent open and we're
% so why we're just on it we're going
to take this position we're going to
exit that position % on that trade
bucks I think that's what was kind of I
was uh I think I was looking at that
before it threw me off create closing
order we're going to buy that back we're
going to reestablish a new position
going to profit take on that spank you
very much as some people say to
That's pre commmission confirm send
there's the commission send the order
now the one that we're going to
establish is right click on that
vertical and we're going to not take a
full position why are we not going to
take a full position not going to take a
full position because we're kind of
nearing that air resistance we don't
want to try to have some ammunition if
you will of capital if that were to
break out that we can add add to it so
what I'm going to do is I'm going to
come back and we're going to only do
let's say like two contracts there's the
credit when we look at what the maximum
loss is on and we're going to do this in
the ira the maximum loss is let's
say that's half of the that we
lose if that were to break out we're
going to try to add another two on the
potential breakout we're going to also
note the commission check send the order
so we got out of the cover call at %
we got out of for example also the the
short put vertical which was June which
was at % and then we added a new
position a half position up near the
area of resistance okay now here's the
comment from Michelle with the SPV on
Apple would increasing volatility affect
the underlying
price so the one thing the about the
vertical right when you take a look at
the vertical that is kind of what you're
trying to get away from the effects of
volatility and so when you look at the
vertical you are on both sides of the
trade both sides so when you look at
this position which is that one right
here your long your short positive Vega
your long neg uh excuse me looking at
the wrong column I was like that's
backwards Vega short negative that's
correct and then what you're going to
notice is if you look at the long putut
no bullish or positive and you're going
to get the effect of the the total vague
on those two positions negative
. by selling something and buying
something you're trying to offset the
effects of volatility so when you look
at these two numbers Delta Theta Vega
which number is the highest is Delta so
if you said of the three option Greeks
what are you really trying to do you're
playing Delta you're playing Direction
the most second is volatility so what do
we want the stock to do we want it to go
up the stock actually tends to go up
what does volatility tend to do it tends
to go down so it's really Direction
first volatility second okay now Harry
actually says would you consider a short
call vertical not if you think we could
go up above resistance now if we go back
to the Chart just last thing I'll say on
this we're going to switch the stocks
you know this has been a pretty strong
move going into the area of resistance
matter of fact we've gone up faster than
we went down kind of took time to go
down and then we shot back up whenever
we see something like that it's kind of
making us think could there be an
increasing likelihood of us going above
the area of resistance keep that in mind
okay for sure we're not going to do a
short call here because we think the
odds are rising that Apple could get
into that uh AI game we'll have to see
we'll play it out now I want to go back
to just kind of the one of the topics we
want to bring up here today and I want
to bring up meta for example just for a
moment okay now we know in the world of
options you were taught from the very
beginning you got an LC right long call
you got a long put okay you got an sc
which is a short call
and you got a short put okay now these
are individual
options and there's reasons why an
investor might do each at certain points
now what's kind of interesting about
this is you can use also the combination
of these two and if you think about like
let's say a long call what's something
negative that someone might say about a
long call you got to buy it you it's a
debit you got to get the stock to go to
the strike plus what whatever that debit
is it's a higher break even negative
time Decay okay if you come to the short
put what we're trying to do is if we use
a long call and a short put together
those are two bullish positions and what
I actually want to do here is I want to
look at a real estate stock and just uh
in this first example so when we talk
about a long synthetic we're using two
single options to create a higher Delta
position or strategy I want to go back
to Simon Property Group for just a sec
we're going to use this as our first
example okay now what you're going to
notice is if we go to the trade tab if
we were going to talk about hey we're
gonna buy a call what we were taught
from the very beginning is we're trying
to buy something at the money or in the
money that way there is some intrinsic
value some Equity now that Equity isn't
just stagnant it can change based on
where the stock is in relationship to
the strike so if we pay $ cents for
this call the July
about half of that money is
intrinsic value where's that intrinsic
value coming from it's coming from the
stock price
and that is above the strike
price of so think of intrinsic value
like Equity okay momentary Equity the ex
transic value it's about half half okay
now what we're going to do is
going to come over to the put side okay
now I want to kind of layer this one at
a time so baby step number one is we're
going to buy the call okay when we buy
that call Long uh positive Delta
negative Theta positive Delta okay bring
that up on the analy tab if you want and
what you're now going to notice is
there's your upside that's what people
like those one Calls Unlimited upside
potential there's your Delta there's
your Theta and there's your Vega if we
said what is a long call really a play
on what has the highest uh numbers in
terms of the option Greeks Delta first
Theta second okay now let's add this
we're going to go single order at first
triggers seq now we know that when
someone sells the put we're going to go
right at the which is a little
higher than what we might consider we're
going to sell that and there's the put
now that's not a right that's the
obligation to buy the shares at the
strike price now let's put this on so we
can see the difference okay now if we
use the combination of these two with
the exact same strike the Delta is
. it's synthetically replicating the
profit loss as if we own shares of stock
but we don't we don't own the shares
okay so when you do a long call on a
short put at the same strike that Delta
is pretty much going to be okay so
when people say well I like to buy
Shar stock but I can't get in well you
don't have to someone could actually say
I'm GNA do a synthetic okay it's a way
to replicate that Delta now what you're
going to notice is look at the option
Greeks when we combine it gamma's flat
Theta is almost zero Vega is almost zero
so what is this really a play on flat
out Direction diagonal line up diagonal
line down you live and die by Direction
okay now many of us like this upside
right here happy face with this over
here it's don't like that D of line
going down what could we do in terms of
trying to make that line not as steep to
the downside well we know that if you
buy a put
below what you're going to see in this
case is we could make that line where it
stops going down and that's what we're
going to do now how much does it cost to
get in from a debit perspective well you
pay and then you collect so the
answer there if we kind of just did
those two only it's about a
$ now what we're going to do in this
trade is we're going to kind of set up
we're going to take uh I'm going to
right click on this line let's delete
that okay we're going to right click on
this sell
vertical okay and what it's going to do
especially if we're an IRA we're not
going to try to take up as much buying
power and make it where the risk is all
the way down to zero that's where the
verticals come in now if you're thinking
about typical vertical oh yeah $ wide
sure but maybe the investor says no I
just want to buy something out of the
money with a dealt of or less why
would the investor do
that already said it number one is to
create a matx loss higher than zero but
also to cut the buying power that the
investor needs to set aside does that
alter the Greeks at all yes how much
does it change it by well let's pull it
up and see so now if you take a look at
the the long call and that wide vertical
the Delta was but if we did it like
this the Delta is not dramatic
difference does it really change the
gamma Theta Vega at all Vega is a little
positive but not massive it's still a
major play on direction we live and die
by Direction and now what you're going
to notice is instead of the max loss
being all the way to zero you're going
to see that the max loss is right around
about $,
so that is why we're trying to do this
so think about all of you out there with
a Roth IRA traditional IRA you want to
buy shares of stock you want to get a
higher directional sensitivity to the
upside or downside what's the way you
could do it try to do it through a
synthetic now what we're going to do is
we're going to go ahead and confirm and
send this now when you buy a put two it
adds that cents okay for this example
which we haven't seen as many examples
I'm not going to set a Target not going
to set a stop we're just going to kind
of let this be an example in this first
one okay this is going to kind of be
something we practice with and on the
next example how do we set up like a
stop at a Target okay now what you're
going to see is the long call fill check
and what you're now going to see in this
case is we're still waiting for the puts
to fill okay now I want to go back also
to another example and I want to bring
up kind of what we're seeing uh just
real quick uh so just brief ly T-Mobile
we've talked about this really shot to
the upside might it continue when we
take a look at for example CL Colgate
Palmolive okay now I'm GNA kind of pick
some various different stocks that we
might practice this on now some people
say like I'm going to do staple stocks
because they're boring or utility stocks
because they boring well no one said you
had to buy shares some people buy the
shares because they want the dividends
but we're going to kind of do a long
synthetic on Colgate palive with a stop
and a Target this kind of looks like
perhaps a channel trade setup maybe in
the bottom of the channel okay could we
go to the top of the channel now what
we're going to do is we're going to try
when we talk about buying long calls
okay we're talking about buying long
calls where we can go out minimum
days maybe and we're trying to go
maybe where we could sell within four to
days to expiration the goal is not to
wait to the very end we're going to try
to pick something at the money in the
money why because whatever we pay we
want that some of the part of the
payment to be some intrinsic value also
known as Equity now what you're going to
notice is we're going to come over here
to the put side and this is the bad part
about if you do long synthetics let's
say on these type of stocks staple
stocks utility stocks the calls are less
expensive because they imply volatility
is not as expensive uh it's it's not as
high but also if the volatility is not
as high the premiums we get over here
are not going to be as high okay fine
but the question really is are you doing
it for the short put
premium that's not really why you're
doing it you're doing it long call and
short putut to play
Delta play the direction
okay so if we rightclick on this and
a half buy we could also go to where it
says collar synthetic which we will
you're now going to notice in this case
and notice on this we're not going to
buy the put what what we could okay I'm
just going to show this if you want if
you I'm not concerned about buying power
do I have to do the long put no you
could do single order first triggers seq
right click on that line create opposite
order and now this flips it when we do
this and you've seen this before limit
Market data GTC you could then just go
in and put a Target at or above at or
below just like that so if you're not
concerned about the downside Max loss or
the buying power you don't have to okay
that's your choice but wonder if you did
want to okay we're going to go long the
call we did that we're also going to go
first triggers scq and we're going to
add that short put vertical we're going
to sell the and a half and we're going
to buy the
we talked about buying the one that
really had a Delta of or less that's
or less or this is or less okay
now do we ever really think that that
is going to become worth something we're
sure hoping it doesn't because if it
does that means the stock went down okay
now the way we show this is we allow the
position to fill
what side of this trade is really
bullish well a long call is
bullish and the short put is
bullish this right here a long put
that's bearish okay so what is it that
we're setting a stop and a Target on
we're only going to set a stop and a
Target on those two right there now
let's look and see if it fills okay
let's do one contract notice here uh we
also see that there's a maximum loss
bill in because of that spread okay
notice the extra Commission because
they're buying the put two how much
money is being set aside in the IRA
$ send the order now the long call
fills man those puts are tough today
okay come on come on okay there we go uh
now the vertical fills uh for the short
vertical put but we're still waiting
actually for that Colgate now Colgate
has not filled but I'm going to go back
to just real quick and I'm going to try
to see if I can't just get filled as
soon as possible we're going to change
this to a market order so I can get
filled and we can put that Target okay
it fills uh there we go now let's say
for example which trade is bullish how
would you know that so whatever side of
the trade has positive Delta there it is
and there it is we're going to hold the
shift key down click on both of these
lines one two okay we're going to
rightclick now and when we rightclick
we're now going to go to where it says
create closing
order sell this is where we're going to
put on the target if we get at or above
or at or below exit the position okay
now what you're going to notice is if we
go to the charts I need this chart now
okay I'm GNA zoom in now if it was your
trade okay where would you say get out
if we go less than what price now let me
kind of help you see wherever you are
okay if you said James I want to get out
if we go let's say to or lower and
let's say you told me hey I want to get
out if we go to bucks that's where
I'm going to set the sell if we get at
uh that price or less if we said hey I
think it could go up to the top of the
channel let's say we said
is matter of fact I even push it a
little bit more let's say and a half
okay we don't know what angle it might
go to or how long it might take if it
ever goes up there so what we're going
to do is we're going to take and a
half as far as a Target and we're going
to take that $ threshold how do we do
that click on the gear to the right down
here click on the gear we're going to go
symbol CL Mark notice we're greater or
equal to and a half so if we go to
and a half what is it going to do what
should it do well it it should sell the
call and buy the put back both of them
most likely should be for gains the
downside CL mark less or equal to we're
going to put bucks now we know that
if the stock
drops that would or that would or should
hurt the long call Value that's the
bullish trade right the short putut
might not be adds negative just
depending upon how long it takes to drop
time Decay might help us here so now
what I want us to notice is these
numbers that we typed in here they are
there now part of your homework
assignment to today is to practice two
to three long synthetics okay now these
long synthetics can be done on different
types of stocks but I think you do need
to kind of comprehend that hey could
someone do this on booking
that's almost $, a share or Chipotle
Mexican Grill you got to think through
like if I was assigned a shares of
stock what percent of my account would
that be so is it good for all stocks I
think you need to really think through
if I was assigned to buy the shares of
the stock could you buy the shares of
the stock and not represent more than a
certain percent of the portfolio we're
not going to do on Chipotle Mexican
we're not going to do it on on uh the
also booking holding the share price is
too high
okay so we're going to go to save
confirm send and notice well what about
the long put James that long put value
most likely will go to zero now what's
the risk of holding the long put into
expiration can that long
put uh become short shares over time yes
if the stock were to close below the
close below the long but that can morph
into short shares of stock so if you're
close to expiration and you have a long
put you might say I'm going to just sell
it for whatever I can get because I
don't want to have that risk okay now
notice there's the commission if it were
to fill at this price or that price
we're going to send the order okay now
if we take a look at this uh okay now
blue pole says now by the way you're
kind of let's kind of go back to
something we mentioned yesterday Okay so
yesterday I did a class it's called
technical indicators trading with
technical indicators and there was a
class called moving average Hall
application on thinker swim let me click
on that for just a moment okay now
notice and I don't know if some of you
know this okay but if I kind of pull
this up which I'm going to share with
you the video here okay when you pull up
that video and what you're now going to
see is if I click on this
now where was this okay so let me go
back for just a sec click on it and I'm
not sure if some of you know that at the
bottom of this the views it will say
more why do I care well if I click on
more you're now going to see the scripts
that I updated yesterday to the Schwab
thinker swim and if you said hey I would
like to have this chart Etc or some of
the things we talk about I put those
scripts right there okay so if you did
not get that make sure you get that now
so that's if you didn't see that now the
biggest actually thing is if you said I
want this specific chart okay but make
sure you look at the charts from
yesterday that is the chart from
yesterday or this is the chart currently
if that's directly what you're asking
okay not worry so blue pool that is
another way to get what I just put out
okay now I want to kind of go back to
just briefly some other stocks uh you're
seeing like raw stores okay keep an eye
on some of these back to school TJ Maxx
raw stores these are some stocks that
might be trying to break up through an
area of resistance keep an eye on Ross
and TJ Maxx one of the stocks that we're
also going to keep an eye on is meta
okay meta is another stock if we had a
little bit more time would like to
practice a long synthetic with a
conditional order if it got at or above
let's say and a Target up near
the top of the channel keep an eye on uh
meta as it's kind of not pulling back
down and it's kind of creating a new
base closer to the resistance than the
prior low keep an eye where we did also
see some kind of setups here today was
uh like Honeywell okay you saw
RTX okay RTX which is gone bombs away to
the upside and also Lockheed Martin okay
keep an eye on those companies those
have actually held up quite well despite
the industrial sector not doing as well
caterpillar and deer went down quite a
bit now I also want to kind of just say
two last uh real estate stocks Avalon
Bay okay showed a recent crossover now
notice how we're kind of focusing on
stock where the shorter term moving
average crossed okay uh Avalon Bay did
and it's getting across here today okay
ESS okay pull this up and there it is
another one okay turned out turn Green
Cross okay could that one turn now I
want to kind of bring something up
something that we mentioned
yesterday when you look at these whole
moving average counters they're not just
on the market watch they can also be on
the monitor tab as well if you put the
script in based on the class we talked
about yesterday when you have the new
layout click on that three lines and
then for example you click on the gear
you can change the columns to what you
want to do whatever you want to
see this helps us kind of see those
turns example given Proctor and Gamble
down for eight days but what just turned
up lately Proctor and Gamble last last
two days it's been green on the moving
average let's verify scripts not
guaranteed for accuracy let's verify
that that turned up two days ago and
what do you know so when you have the
tools it can kind of cut down a lot of
time in terms of finding and that's why
we said it's a way to use sentiment it's
a way to kind of identify the entries
and potential exits Etc make sure you
have that that's how we're you using the
information from yesterday for
application here today now I'm out of my
time here today make sure that you have
the playlist this class has been
recorded okay as a homework assignment I
want you to practice two long synthetics
set a Target and a stop practice that
okay also for example coming up next we
will have Barbara Armstrong's class that
is gonna be uh a class on getting
started with options by rights and also
coming up later day Brett Moore's class
on exploring think or Swim now I want to
thank you so much for your comments and
participation uh we had a narrow Focus
here today on managing the Apple trade
uh the cover called the short putut the
short putut vertical the M the trade
strategy we really focus on trading
today was long synthetics and we talked
about why an investor might use that I'm
out of my time here today with what we
discussed it was done for example
illustrative purposes only and also
remember that all investing involves
risk this is been the class on using
options as a stock investor stay tuned
for Barber coming up next and with that
said thank you so much take care bye-bye
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